(a) Required Notice. All required notices shall be given by mail or e-mail to the applicant, appellant (if any), and all owners and tenants of property located within a radius of 500 to 1,000 feet of the property lines of the project site in accordance with procedures adopted by City Council resolution. Noticing shall be given to property owners as listed on the most recent San Mateo County Assessor's property tax roll available at the San Mateo City Hall. All notices shall include the date, time, and place of hearing, the name of the applicant, the purpose of the application, an identification of the subject property, and other facts as may be prescribed by the Planning Commission or City Council. Defects in such information, or the failure to give notice as fully as described, or the failure of any or all of the addressees to receive the notice shall not invalidate the proceedings, provided that the noticing has occurred in good faith.
(b) Applicable notice periods.
(1) Zoning Administrator. When the Zoning Administrator has final authority to act on an application, notice pursuant to this Section shall be mailed at least ten calendar days before a decision is reached by the Zoning Administrator, but no hearing shall be held. The Zoning Administrator shall indicate on the notice that any person may request in writing to be advised of the decision reached by the Zoning Administrator.
(2) Planning Commission. Notices of public hearing shall be mailed at least ten calendar days prior to the first Commission hearing date.
(3) City Council. Notice of public hearing shall be mailed at least ten calendar days prior to the first Council hearing date.
(c) CEQA Notices.
(1) Negative declaration. Notices regarding the availability of a project's negative declaration for public review shall be given at least 20 days prior to the hearing date of the Planning Commission. This notice may be combined with the Planning Commission public hearing notice described above.
(2) Environmental Impact Report. Notices regarding the availability of a project's environmental impact report for public review shall be given when the notice of completion is filed, either 30 or 45 days prior to the expiration of the public comment period, depending upon the requirements of CEQA.
(d) Posting of project site. As directed by the Chief of Planning or designee, applicants or their representatives shall place a public notice placard(s) on a highly visible portion of the project site which informs the public of any pending Zoning Administrator decision, Planning Commission study session or public hearing, or City Council public hearing pertaining to the planning application. The placard shall include the public hearing date, location, and purpose, including the permits requested by the applicant, a brief description of the project, and any other information required by the Chief of Planning or designee. The placard shall be posted at least ten days prior to any pending Zoning Administrator decision, Planning Commission study session or public hearing, or City Council hearing pertaining to the planning application.
(e) Other notification. Notwithstanding the provisions above, notice by publication may be provided in lieu of, or in addition to, individual notice, when deemed warranted by time constraints, the number of notice recipients, or where otherwise required by law. In addition to other forms of notice, the Zoning Administrator may, at his or her discretion, give notice of an application by posting on or near the project site.
(f) Public hearings regarding subdivisions. Pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act, in the case of all hearings on applications under Title 26 of this Code, notice shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City at least ten days prior to the hearing and posted in three public facilities at least ten days prior to the hearing, in addition to notice by mail.
(g) Minutes. Minutes of the Planning Commission and City Council shall be available at the City Clerk's office when they are drafted and for a period of at least two weeks after the meeting or hearing. Actions by the Zoning Administrator shall be available at the City Clerk's office for a period of at least two weeks after the date of the action.