City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


The development plan shall be reviewed according to the following procedures, notwithstanding any other provisions of this code:

Application for planned unit development shall be made to the Department of Community Development. All applications shall be in such form and shall be accompanied by such plans, documents and information as may be required. At the same time the Zoning Administrator may require that such other applications as are appropriate to the implementation of the plan be submitted, or he or she may require that they be submitted at a later date after approval of the development plan. Any such applications submitted with the plan will go forward to the Planning Commission and the City Council, and shall be effective only after action by the City Council.

(a) Review by Planning Commission. Thereafter, the Planning Commission shall review the application hereunder and shall recommend to the City Council that the application be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. The Planning Commission shall hold a hearing on said application in accordance with the notice provisions of Section 27.06.050.

(b) Review by City Council. Thereafter the Council shall review the application hereunder and shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny same. Notice of the Council hearing shall be given in accordance with the provisions of Section 27.08.050.