(a) No planning application approval shall be permanently revoked or suspended until a hearing is held by the Planning Commission. Written notice of such hearing shall be served upon the property owner, applicant, and occupant of the premises either personally or by certified mail. Notice shall be given to all property owners within a three-hundred-foot radius of the exterior boundaries of the subject property in the manner provided in Section 27.08.050. Such notice shall be given at least ten calendar days prior to the date set for hearing and shall state:
(1) The alleged violation(s);
(2) The date, time and place the hearing is to be held.
(b) At the hearing the property owner, applicant, and occupant shall be given the opportunity to be heard in person or through their representative(s), and may call witnesses and present evidence on their behalf. Additionally, the commission may hear such other testimony as it deems appropriate.
(c) Upon the conclusion of the hearing, the commission shall determine whether or not the approval shall be suspended, revoked, modified or left unaltered. The commission shall be authorized to grant time to correct the violation(s). Any person may appeal the action of the commission to the City Council in accord with the provisions of Section 27.08.070. Notice of the hearing before the Council shall be given in the manner provided in this section for hearings before the commission.
(d) In any case where a planning application approval is revoked, no new approval may be granted to any person to conduct or carry on the same or similar activity on the subject property until all conditions of the approval are met.