The following are expressly declared to be public nuisances adversely affecting the public peace and safety:
(a) Storage, leakage, release, or use of any explosive, flammable liquid, or other dangerous, toxic, or hazardous substance in any manner or in any amount other than as permitted pursuant to this code and County, State, or Federal laws.
(b) All buildings and alteration of buildings, or parts thereof, made or erected in violation of City ordinances or any applicable County, State, or Federal laws prescribing the manner and materials for the construction or alteration, including construction without required permits.
(c) Uses of property that violate City ordinances, including the Zoning Code, unless such uses are legally nonconforming uses.
(d) Obstructions, impediments, or excavations that interfere with the ordinary use by the public of any public street, way, or sidewalk except when and as permitted pursuant to this code or State law.
(e) Rainwater, well water or drainage water issuing in a collected or directed manner or falling from any building, structure, well or paved area upon any sidewalk or public pedestrian way, or flowing across any sidewalk or public pedestrian way.
(f) Any dangerous, unguarded machinery or appliances left in any public place or so operated or situated on private property so as to be accessible to the public.
(g) Any dead, diseased, infected, or dying tree or shrub on any property so near to a street, public right-of-way, or a public utility easement as to constitute a danger to street trees, public utility services, streets, sidewalks, vehicle travel, persons, or property, other than that of the owner of the tree.
(h) Vines or climbing plants growing into or over any street tree, fire hydrant, pole, utility wire, or electrolier.
(i) Branches, roots, trees, shrubs, or foliage that interfere with visibility on, illumination of, or the free, safe, or undamaged use of, or access to or along, any portion of any public street or sidewalk.
(j) Hedges or dense, thorny shrubs extending into the public right-of-way.
(k) Branches of trees or shrubs that extend within eight vertical feet from any portion of a public sidewalk or within 14 vertical feet from any portion of a public street.
(l) Fences, hedges, or growths of like nature that violate the restrictions imposed by Chapter 27.84.
(m) Generation of intense glare or heat that unreasonably affects use and enjoyment of neighboring property or confuses or interferes with travel along a street or sidewalk.
(n) Excavations, holes, ponds or any other dangerous property condition that are open and unsecured from access by the public.
(o) Any barbed wire or electrified fence within a plane of four horizontal feet from any public street, way, sidewalk, path, or park; any wire, twine, or rope fences, consisting of one or more strands of wire, twine, or rope that is less than three feet in height and less than three feet from any public street, way, sidewalk, path, or park.
(p) Any other act, occupation, and use of property that in fact endangers or jeopardizes the public peace and safety.