City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


The following are expressly declared to be public nuisances:

(a) Buildings or structures that are structurally unsafe or which constitute a fire hazard, or which are otherwise dangerous to human safety and life.

(b) Buildings that are in violation of Chapter 7.14, Title 23, Title 27.

(c) Erosion, undercutting, sliding, excessive sloping, subsidence, saturation of soil, or surface water drainage of such magnitude or effect to be potentially injurious to the public whether caused by grading operations, excavations, or fill, directed or disregarded drainage or as a result of the topography, geology, or configuration of the land in its natural or altered state.

(d) Accumulation of debris, rank overgrowth of trees, bushes, vegetation, weeds, or uncultivated grass over 12 inches in height.

(e) Buildings, fences, signs, or other structures that are or have been abandoned, boarded up, partially destroyed, or permitted to remain in a state of partial construction for a period of 90 days or more, except in the case of partial construction, in which case the time shall be for a period of 180 days or more, and where continuation of the condition is unsightly or is hazardous to the public health, safety, or welfare.

(f) Unpainted buildings or buildings with substantial missing or peeling paint otherwise causing or tending to cause dry rot, warping, or termite infestation.

(g) Buildings with windows containing broken glass or missing glass.

(h) Any wrecked, disabled, inoperative, salvaged or dismantled vehicle, vessel, equipment, appliances, or parts stored or parked visible from a public street, unless they are stored or parked pursuant to the provisions of this code.

(i) Broken, inoperative, or discarded furniture or other household equipment, litter, garbage or other refuse visible from a public street.

(j) Clothes hanging in any visible portion of a front yard.

(k) Waste containers stored within public view or placed for collection along a street, roadway, or alley outside of the time limitations set forth below:

(1) In all zoning districts except for the Central Business District and Central Business District Support zoning districts, any waste containers placed for collection along a street, roadway, or alley shall be set out only on the day established for collection or after 12 noon on the day immediately prior to collection, and must be removed by 12 midnight on the day of collection.

(2) Within the Central Business District and Central Business District Support zoning districts, any waste containers placed for collection along a street, roadway, or alley shall be set out only on the day established for collection or after 6 p.m. on the day immediately prior to collection, and must be removed by 11 a.m. on the day of collection.

(l) Condition of premises that is so defective, unsightly, deteriorated, or disrepaired as to be materially detrimental to the use and enjoyment or value of nearby properties and improvements.

(m) Emanation of noise or vibrations of such a loud, unusual, unnecessary, penetrating. lengthy, raucous, annoying, untimely, or boisterous nature as to unreasonably disturb, annoy, injure, interfere with, or endanger the comfort, repose, health, peace, safety, or welfare of the users of neighboring property.

(n) Items stored and stacked outside of an outdoor recycling collection area and otherwise in violation of Chapter 27.86.