The following are expressly declared to be public nuisances adversely affecting the public health:
(a) Decaying, infected, or unwholesome food, bartered, sold, or offered for sale to the public, or designed or offered for human consumption.
(b) Animals affected with disease, or animal disease carriers, when the disease is one that may adversely affect the health of humans or other animals.
(c) Ponds or pools holding stagnant water.
(d) Uncovered or inadequately covered accumulations of manure, animal feces, plant material, fruits, or rubbish that provide a breeding place for flies, mosquitoes, or vermin, or which release gases or which produce a noxious or offensive odor.
(e) Pollution or contamination of any water supply or water course by sewage, industrial, chemical, oil, junk, debris, or any other waste or product.
(f) Smoke, fumes, gas, dust, soot, cinders, or other particulate matter in such quantities as to render the occupancy or use of property uncomfortable to a person of ordinary sensibilities.
(g) Any other acts, conditions, occupations, and uses of property that are a menace to the public health.