City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


It is unlawful to park a motor vehicle, trailer, unmounted camper or boat: (1) upon any lawn or landscaped area, including an area of flowers or shrubs; (2) upon an area of decorative rocks, stones, chips, bark, or the like, unless such area of decorative rocks, stones, chips or bark was in place and used for parking of a motor vehicle, trailer, unmounted camper or boat prior to July 19, 1993; or (3) upon the sidewalk, thereby impeding the pedestrian right-of-way. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit parking on a driveway. For this section, a driveway shall mean the area from the property line to the garage or carport. This provision shall apply to parcels being used for single-family or duplex residences.