City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.


Within the Required Retail Frontage area as shown on the Downtown Specific Plan land use map, the requirements of Section 27.38.110 shall apply, except as follows:

(a) Surface parking shall not be permitted within fifty (50) feet of property lines designed for Required Retail Frontage and shall be required to be located behind a building meeting the requirements of this title, except when the following conditions are met:

(1) A building of at least 8,000 square feet exists on site and the parking will be located between the building and property line:

(2) The surface parking is being provided to fulfill requirements for uses within the existing building;

(3) The area to be paved for surface parking is unimproved; and

(4) At least 6 feet and up to a maximum of 10 feet of landscaping is installed between the property line and the surface parking lot for screening.

(b) Temporary (a maximum of 5 years) surface parking in a City or City agency owned parking lot shall be permitted. A minimum of six feet of landscaping shall be installed between the property line and any surface parking.