City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.


The following provisions apply in the required retail frontage area as shown in the City's Downtown Plan (the "Required Retail Frontage"):

(a) Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted on the ground floor subject to the requirements in Section 27.38.040, Conditions of Use, and the standards listed in subsection (c) below:

(1) Retail Sales. Uses principally engaged in retail sale or rental of consumer or household goods, including ancillary repair services. These retail uses are characterized by face-to-face transactions conducted by both the buyer and seller on the business premises. Retail businesses that conduct a majority of their sales (over 50%) via the Internet or other means of telecommunications are not considered "retail" for the purposes of this section.

(2) Personal Services. Uses principally providing services of a personal convenience nature to the individual consumer. These types of uses are primarily engaged in the provision of frequent or recurrent needed services of a personal nature. Typical personal services uses include, but are not limited to, beauty and hair salons, shoe repair shops and tailor shops. This definition of "Personal Services" does not include professions as defined in Section 5.24.160 of the City of San Mateo Municipal Code or any similar professions.

(3) Eating and Drinking Services. Uses principally engaged in the preparation and retail sale of food and/or beverages, but excluding uses principally involving food preparation for off-site catering.

(4) Theaters and Cultural Facilities. Uses providing entertainment such as motion pictures, plays or operas or cultural facilities such as a museum.

(5) Banks. Uses providing financial services including banks, savings and loan institutions, lending institutions, and credit unions unless located at the intersection of two (2) streets within the required retail frontage area as shown in the Downtown Plan; banks and other financial services are prohibited at these corner locations. Such uses shall be retail service in nature, dedicated to serving the general customer, and not be open by appointment only. At least 50% of the ground floor area shall be devoted to this type of retail, customer serving use.

(b) Special Uses. The following uses are permitted subject to approval of a special use permit:

(1) All Properties. Any other use deemed similar in nature and operation to the permitted uses, and found to be consistent with the purposes of this chapter and the policies of the Downtown Plan, may be authorized upon approval of a special use permit by the Planning Commission, subject to the provisions of Chapters 27.08, Rules of Procedure, and 27.74, Special Use Permits, unless appealed to the City Council in accordance with Section 27.08.060.

(2) Ground Floor Dependent Offices on Non-Corner Properties. Offices used for on-site property management, or for professional or consulting services, including, but not limited to, travel agencies, insurance agencies, income tax preparers, real estate agencies and notary publics, when not exceeding 2,500 square feet per building and not located at the intersection of two (2) streets within the required retail frontage area as shown in the Downtown Plan. Such uses shall require ground floor visibility to serve patrons on an unannounced or drop-in basis, shall conduct a majority of their business face-to-face on the premises with their customers, and shall maintain retail storefronts comparable to traditional retail sales operations, including display of goods and services for sale.

(c) Standards.

(1) Ground Floor Retail Frontage Width and Depth Standards.

(i) For non-corner properties with street frontage widths of 25 linear feet or less, at least 67% of the building's street frontage, to a depth of 60 feet, shall be limited to the permitted uses specified above.

(ii) For non-corner properties with street frontage widths greater than 25 linear feet, at least 75% of the building's street frontage, to a depth of 60 feet, shall be limited to the permitted uses specified above.

(iii) Reduction in Ground Floor Retail Frontage Width and Depth Requirement. Reductions in the above requirements may be authorized upon approval of a special use permit by the Planning Commission, subject to the provisions of Chapters 27.08, Rules of Procedure, and 27.74, Special Use Permits, and if each of the following findings can be made in addition to the findings required for special use permits:

(A) The property has physical limitations such as narrow building or lot width, or an unusual building or lot configuration which renders it infeasible to meet the retail depth and width requirements set forth above; and

(B) The proposed uses and associated changes to the building and property are consistent with the purposes of this chapter, and applicable policies pertaining to downtown including, but not limited to the General Plan, Downtown Plan, and Pedestrian Master Plan.

(2) Public Access. All permitted and specially-permitted uses shall be directly accessible from a public sidewalk or a plaza accessible from the public sidewalk along the required frontage.

(3) View of Interior Space. New or reconstructed building walls at the ground level shall have at least 75% of the width along the street devoted to pedestrian entrances, transparent show or display windows of at least two (2) feet in depth, or windows affording a view of retail, office, or lobby space.

(4) Ground Floor Entries to Other Uses.

(i) For lots with street frontage widths of 25 linear feet or less, not more than 33% of the street frontage shall be devoted to entrances to uses other than the above permitted uses.

(ii) For lots with street frontage widths greater than 25 linear feet, not more than 25% of the street frontage shall be devoted to entrances to uses other than the above permitted uses.

(5) Location of Parking. Surface parking shall not be permitted within 50 feet of property lines designated for required retail frontage and shall be required to be located behind a building meeting the requirements of this title.

(6) Second Floor Offices. Second floor offices, including medical and dental clinics, and financial institutions are permitted only if the ground floor of the structure is occupied by one (1) of the permitted uses listed above.