City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


(a) Every person who proposes to participate in the collective or cooperative cultivation and/or storage of medical marijuana in the City of San Mateo shall file an application with the License Committee upon a form provided by the City of San Mateo Police Department and shall pay a filing fee, as established by resolution adopted by the City Council.

(b) Applications shall include the following information:

(1) Each individual member of the cooperative or collective shall state their legal name (including any aliases), address, and telephone number.

(2) Each individual member of the cooperative or collective shall provide evidence that they are a qualified patient, person with an identification card, or a primary caregiver.

(3) If the applicant is a cooperative, it shall provide a copy of its articles of incorporation and shall provide the information required by subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2) for each of its members.

(4) The proposed address where the applicants intend to cultivate and/or store medical marijuana, plus the names and addresses of the owners of the proposed site.

(5) The address to which notice of action on the application is to be mailed.

(c) Upon receipt of a completed application and payment the fee, the License Committee shall promptly investigate the information contained in the application to determine whether the applicant shall be issued a license.

(d) The License Committee shall approve a license application, unless:

(1) The building, structure, equipment, or location for which a license is requested does not comply with the requirements and standards of the health, zoning, fire and safety laws of the City and the State of California, or with the development and performance standards and requirements of the regulations contained in this chapter.

(2) The applicants have knowingly made any false, misleading or fraudulent statement of material fact in the application for the license.

(3) The required application fee has not been paid.

(4) The applicant has failed to provide a complete application. If an application is denied on this basis, the License Committee shall state the information that is needed to make the application complete.

(e) The License Committee shall make its determination within 30 business days of receipt of the completed application and fee. If the application is granted the license shall be placed in the Unites States mail, first class postage prepaid, addressed to the applicant at the address stated in the application.

(f) If the License Committee neither grants nor denies the application within 30 business days after it is stamped as received, the applicant may begin operating the collective or cooperative for which the license was sought, subject to strict compliance with the development and performance standards and requirements of this chapter. If the applicant begins operating the collective or cooperative because the License Committee has not granted or denied the application within 30 business days, the License Committee may issue the permit after the 30-day period has elapsed, and the permit shall be subject to revocation under the provisions of Section 7.46.070.