7.41.080 Administrative Fine.
(a) Grounds for Fine. A fine shall be imposed on a Tobacco Retailer upon findings made by the Director, based on a preponderance of the evidence, that any Tobacco Retailer, or any agent or employee of the Tobacco Retailer, has violated any of the requirements, conditions, or prohibitions of this Chapter. A fine shall be imposed in the maximum amounts set forth in subsection (b) of this section upon findings made by the Director that the Tobacco Retailer, or any agent or employee of the Tobacco Retailer, has Sold any Tobacco Product to any Person(s) under the age of 21 years. Any administrative fine shall be imposed solely against the Tobacco Retailer, not the Tobacco Retailer's employees or agents.
(b) Amount of Fine. Upon written findings made by the Director under subsection (a), the person or entity holding the Tobacco Retailer Permit shall be subject to an administrative fine for each such violation as follows:
(1) A fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500) for a first violation within a sixty (60) month period; and
(2) A fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each subsequent violation within a sixty (60) month period.
(c) Each day that Tobacco Products are Sold or offered for Sale without a Permit or otherwise in violation of this Chapter shall constitute a separate violation. A finding of "offered for Sale" in violation of this Chapter will be made if Tobacco Products are either actually Sold and/or displayed in the retail establishment, or if advertisements offering to Sell Tobacco Products are visible to customers.
(d) Fine Procedures. Notice of the fine shall be served on the Tobacco Retailer by certified mail. The notice shall contain a description of the facts upon which the asserted violation is based and an advisement of the right to request a hearing before the Director contesting the imposition of the fine. Said hearing must be requested within ten calendar days of the date appearing on the notice of the fine. The decision of the Director shall be a final administrative order, with no administrative right of appeal.
(e) Failure to Pay Fine. If a fine imposed pursuant to this Chapter is not paid within 30 calendar days from the date appearing on the notice of the fine or of the notice of determination of the Director after the review provided for under subdivision (c) of this Section, the fine may be referred to a collection agency within or external to the County. In addition, any outstanding fines must be paid prior to the issuance of any new Permit or renewal of a Permit.