City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code

7.41.070 Suspension or Revocation of Permit.

(a) Grounds for Suspension or Revocation.

(1) A Tobacco Retailer Permit may be suspended or revoked, as set forth below in subdivision (b), if any court of a competent jurisdiction determines, or the Director finds, based on a preponderance of the evidence after notice and opportunity for the Tobacco Retailer to be heard, that either of the following violations have occurred:

(A) After the Permit was issued it is determined that the Application for the Permit is incomplete or inaccurate.

(B) The Tobacco Retailer or Tobacco Retailer's agent has violated any of the requirements, conditions, or prohibitions of this Chapter or any applicable local, state, or federal tobacco-related law.

(2) Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Tobacco Retailer Permit shall be suspended or revoked, for the maximum time periods and as set forth in subdivision (b), if any court of competent jurisdiction determines, or the Director finds, based on a preponderance of evidence and after notice and opportunity for the Tobacco Retailer to be heard, that the Tobacco Retailer, or any agent or employee of the Tobacco Retailer, has Sold Tobacco Products to any Person(s) under the age of 21 years.

(b) Time Period of Suspension of Permit.

(1) Upon the first violation within any sixty (60) month period, the Permit to Sell Tobacco Products may be suspended for up to 30 days.

(2) Upon the second violation within any sixty (60) month period, the Permit to Sell Tobacco Products may be suspended for up to 90 days.

(3) Upon the third violation within any sixty (60) month period, the Permit to Sell Tobacco Products may be suspended for up to one year.

(4) Upon the fourth violation within any sixty (60) month period, the Permit to Sell Tobacco Products shall be revoked. If a Permit is revoked, the Retailer shall not be eligible for a new Permit for a period of five (5) years after the effective date of revocation.

(c) Effective Date of Suspension or Revocation. Within ten (10) calendar days of the hearing, the Director shall issue written findings and an order regarding the suspension or revocation, which order will be effective ten (10) calendar days from the date such order was sent by certified mail to the Retailer, unless a timely appeal is filed in accordance with subsection (d).

(d) Appeal of Suspension or Revocation. The decision of the Director is appealable to the San Mateo County Licensing Board and the procedural rules of the San Mateo County Licensing Board shall govern hearings on all appeals of suspensions and revocations.

(1) An appeal must be in writing, be addressed to the Director and be hand- delivered to the offices of the Division of Environmental Health.

(2) An appeal must be received by the Director before the effective date of suspension or revocation provided by subsection (c) in order to be considered.

(3) The filing of a timely appeal will stay a suspension or revocation pending a decision on the appeal by the San Mateo County Licensing Board.

(4) The decision of the San Mateo County Licensing Board shall be a final administrative order, with no further administrative right of appeal.