City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


(a) A waste discharge permit may be revoked, made subject to additional terms and conditions, modified, or suspended by the Director in addition to other remedies provided by law, when such action is necessary in order to stop a discharge or a threatened discharge which presents a hazard or a threat of hazard to the public health, safety, or welfare; or the natural environment, or the sanitary sewer system, or which violates this chapter, or which action is intended to implement programs or policies required or requested of the City or District by appropriate State or Federal regulatory agencies.

(b) A user notified of the Director's intent to revoke, make subject to additional terms or conditions, modify, or suspend the user's permit shall immediately comply with directives of the Director or cease and desist the discharge of all industrial waste or such portion of said wastes as will eliminate the wrongful discharge to the sanitary sewer system pending any hearing that the user may request as set forth in this chapter.

(c) The Director shall reissue or reinstate any waste discharge permit or other authorization to discharge upon proof of satisfactory ability to comply with all discharge requirements, and upon payment of any costs, fines, or penalties which may be assessed. The Director may require the user to develop and implement a compliance schedule to ensure attainment of prompt and full compliance of permit terms and conditions.