City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


(a) During the term of the demolition or construction project, the contractor shall recycle or divert the required percentages of materials, and keep records thereof in tonnage or in other measurements approved by the Director of Public Works or designee that can be converted to tonnage. The Director of Public Works or designee will evaluate and monitor each project to gauge the percentage of materials recycled, salvaged and/or reused from the project.

(b) To the maximum extent feasible, on-site separation of scrap wood and clean green waste in a designated debris box or boxes shall be arranged, in order to permit chipping and mulching for soil enhancement or land cover purposes. In order to protect chipping and grinding machinery, metal and other materials that cannot be chipped or ground shall not be placed in such boxes.

(c) To the maximum extent feasible on new construction, on-site separation shall be undertaken for gypsum wallboard, dimensional lumber and cardboard.

(d) To the maximum extent feasible on demolition and construction sites, Designated Recyclable and Reusable Materials shall be kept separate from Non-Recyclable/Non-Reusable Materials.