City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


As a condition precedent to issuance of any building or demolition permit that involves a Covered Project, the Applicant shall post a cash or check deposit. For projects involving the demolition of a residential or commercial building, or interior demolition of a commercial space, the deposit shall equal one dollar ($1.00) for each square foot, based on calculations provided and/or approved by the City. For commercial new construction or alteration projects covered by diversion requirements, the deposit shall be 3% of the cost of the project, not to exceed $30,000. For residential new construction or alteration projects, the deposit shall be 3% of the cost of the project, not to exceed $10,000. The minimum deposit for all projects shall not be less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). The deposit shall be returned, without interest, in total or pro rata, upon proof to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works or designee, that no less than the required percentages or proven proportion of those percentages of the tons of debris generated by the demolition and/or construction project have been diverted from landfills and have been recycled or reused.