City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


Variances from the regulations of this Title may be granted by the designated approval bodies only in accordance with the standards set forth in this chapter and may be granted in the following instances only:

(a) To permit any yard of less dimension than required by the applicable regulations;

(b) To permit a reduction of build-to-lines required by the applicable regulations;

(c) To permit any building or structure to exceed the floor area ratio limitations imposed by the applicable regulations;

(d) To permit the use of a zoning plot for a use otherwise prohibited solely because of the insufficient area of the lot, except that there shall be no increase in the number of units permitted on a site, nor shall there be permitted a density which exceeds the maximum allowable for each building site within each planning area as specified in Section 27.02.160 of this code and the housing element of the general plan;

(e) To reduce the applicable off-street parking or loading facilities required or adjust stall dimensions;

(f) To increase by not more than twenty-five percent the maximum distance that required parking spaces are permitted to be located from the use served;

(g) To permit the same off-street parking facilities to qualify as a required facility for two or more uses, provided the substantial use of such facility by each use does not take place at approximately the same hours of the same days of the week.