City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


These bicycle parking requirements shall apply to the indicated activities as specified below.

(a) Bicycle Parking Required for New and Existing Uses. Bicycle parking shall be provided for new development projects, additions to existing buildings, and new living units in existing buildings. Bicycle parking as prescribed hereafter shall be provided for activities occupying buildings, or portions of, which are constructed, established, wholly reconstructed, or moved onto a new lot, except to the extent that existing bicycle parking exceeds such requirements for any existing facilities. The required amount of new bicycle parking shall be based on the cumulative increase in floor area, or other applicable unit of measurement prescribed hereafter. If an existing building is altered or changed in occupancy so as to result in an increase in the number of residential living units, bicycle parking shall be provided for the new units.

(b) More Than One (1) Activity on a Lot. Whenever a single lot contains different activities with the same bicycle parking requirement, the overall bicycle parking requirement shall be based on the sum of all such activities. Whenever a single lot contains activities with different bicycle parking requirements, the overall requirement shall be the sum of the requirements for each activity calculated separately.

(c) Determination by Zoning Administrator. For uses not listed in the schedules of bicycle parking requirements, bicycle parking spaces shall be provided on the same basis as required for the most similar listed use, or as determined by the Zoning Administrator.

(d) Standards for Required Bicycle Parking.

(1) Types of Required Bicycle Parking.

(A) Long-Term Bicycle Parking. Each long-term bicycle parking space shall consist of a locker or a rack located within a locked enclosure, such as a secure room or controlled access area, providing protection for each bicycle from theft, vandalism and weather. Long-term bicycle parking is meant to accommodate employees, students, residents, commuters, and others expected to park more than two (2) hours.

(B) Short-Term Bicycle Parking. Short-term bicycle parking shall consist of a bicycle rack or racks and is meant to accommodate visitors, customers, messengers, and others expected to park not more than two (2) hours.

(2) Minimum Specifications for Required Bicycle Parking.

(A) All bicycle parking facilities shall be dedicated for the exclusive use of bicycle parking and shall not be intended for the use of motorized two-wheeled or similar vehicles.

(B) All required short-term bicycle parking spaces shall permit the locking of the bicycle frame and one (1) wheel with a U-type lock, support the bicycle in a stable horizontal position without damage to wheels, frame, or components, and provide two (2) points of contact with the bicycle's frame. Art racks are subject to review by the Zoning Administrator.

(C) All required long-term bicycle parking spaces, with the exception of individual bicycle lockers, shall permit the locking of the bicycle frame and one (1) wheel with a U-type lock and support the bicycle in a stable position without damage to wheels, frame, or components.

(D) Bicycle parking facilities shall be securely anchored so they cannot be easily removed and shall be of sufficient strength and design to resist vandalism and theft.

(E) The overall design and spacing of such facilities shall meet the standards of subsection (3).

(3) Location and Design of Required Bicycle Parking. Required bicycle parking shall be placed on site(s) as set forth below:

(A) A short-term bicycle parking space shall be at least two and one-half (2.5) feet in width by six (6) feet in length to allow sufficient space between parked bicycles.

(B) Bicycle parking facilities shall not impede pedestrian or vehicular circulation.

(i) Bicycle parking racks located on sidewalks should be kept clear of the pedestrian through zone.

(C) Bicycle parking facilities are subject to the following standards:

(i) Short-term bicycle racks shall be located with at least 30 inches clearance in all directions from any obstruction, including but not limited to other racks, walls, and landscaping. Large retail uses, supermarkets, and grocery stores are encouraged to locate racks with a 36-inch clearance in all directions from any vertical obstruction, including but not limited to other racks, walls, and landscaping.

(ii) All bicycle facilities shall provide a minimum four (4) foot aisle to allow for unobstructed access to the designated bicycle parking area.

(iii) All long-term bicycle parking facilities shall include a variety of rack types to accommodate different bicycle sizes, styles, and users, as determined by the Zoning Administrator.

(D) Bicycle parking facilities within auto parking facilities shall be protected from damage by cars by a physical barrier such as curbs, wheel stops, poles, bollards, or other similar features capable of preventing automobiles from entering the designated bicycle parking area.

(E) Short-term bicycle parking facilities serving community activity centers such as libraries and community centers should incorporate weather-protective enclosures shielding the designated bicycle area from typical inclement weather when feasible.

(F) Bicycle parking facilities shall be located in highly visible well-lighted areas. In order to maximize security, whenever possible short-term bicycle parking facilities shall be located in areas highly visible from the street and from the interior of the building they serve (i.e., placed adjacent to windows).

(G) The location and design of required bicycle parking shall be of a quality, character and color that harmonize with adjoining land uses. Required bicycle parking shall be incorporated whenever possible into building design or street furniture.

(H) Long-term bicycle parking shall be covered and shall be located on site or within 200 feet of the main building entrance. The main building entrance is defined as publicly accessible entrances and shall exclude gated private garage entrances, trash room entrances, and other building entrances that are not publicly accessible.

(I) Short-term bicycle parking must be along project frontage and within 50 feet of the main entrance to the building or commercial use or up to 100 feet where existing conditions do not allow placement within 50 feet. It should be in a well-trafficked location visible from the entrance. When the main entrance fronts the sidewalk, the installer must apply for an encroachment permit from the City to install the bicycle parking in the public right-of-way. The main building entrance excludes garage entrances, trash room entrances, and other building entrances that are not publicly accessible.

(J) If required bicycle parking is not visible from the street or main building entrance, a sign must be posted at the main building entrance indicating the location of the bicycle parking.

(e) Minimum Number of Required Bicycle Parking Spaces. The rules for calculating the minimum number of bicycle parking spaces are:

(1) If after calculating the number of required bicycle parking spaces a quotient is obtained containing a fraction of one-half or more, an additional space shall be required; if such fraction is less than one-half it may be disregarded.

(2) When the bicycle parking requirement is based on number of employees or number of students, the number of spaces shall be based on the number of working persons on the lot during the largest shift of the peak season or the highest expected student capacity. If the Zoning Administrator determines that this number is difficult to verify for a specific facility, then the number of required long-term bicycle parking spaces shall be a minimum of two (2) spaces or five (5) percent of the amount of required automobile spaces for the proposed facility, whichever is greater.

(3) When the bicycle parking requirement is based on number of seats, in the case of pews or similar facilities each 18 inches shall be counted as one seat.

(4) The calculation of short-term bicycle parking may include existing racks that are in the public right-of-way and are within 100 feet of the main entrance.

(f) Bicycle Parking Rates. Required bicycle parking rates vary depending on whether the associated land use is located within or outside the Downtown Area as shown below:

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(1) Downtown Area.

(A) Minimum Parking Requirements. Where a parcel of real property is located within the Downtown Area, new projects to be located on said parcel shall meet the bicycle parking requirements as follows:

Minimum Bicycle Parking Stalls Required
Downtown Area Uses Minimum Short-Term Bike Parking Spaces Required Minimum Long-Term Bike Parking Spaces Required
(A) Hotels, excluding accessory restaurants and bars 1 per 20 units 1 per 20 employees
(B) Indoor theatres and cinemas
Weekly matinees 1 per 20 fixed seats 1 per 40 fixed seats
Weekend matinees and evenings 1 per 20 fixed seats 1 per 40 fixed seats
(C) Offices
Financial 1 per 20,000 s.f. 1 per 10,000 s.f.
General 1 per 20,000 s.f. 1 per 10,000 s.f.
Medical 1 per 20,000 s.f. 1 per 10,000 s.f.
(D) Residential (within the retail core subarea as defined in the downtown specific plan)
Studio 0.05 per unit 1.0 per unit
One-bedroom 0.05 per unit 1.0 per unit
Two-bedrooms 0.10 per unit 1.25 per unit
Three or more bedrooms 0.15 per unit 1.5 per unit
(E) Restaurants and bars (except fast food restaurants) 1 per 5,000 s.f. 1 per 12,000 s.f.
(F) Retail stores 1 per 2,000 s.f. 1 per 12,000 s.f.
(G) Services 1 per 10,000 s.f. 1 per 20,000 s.f.
(H) Fast food, drive-in, drive-thru, and take-out restaurants 1 per 10,000 s.f. 1 per 20,000 s.f.

(2) Outside Downtown Area.

(A) Minimum Parking Requirements. For the following uses on property located outside the Downtown Area, bicycle parking stalls shall be provided as listed below. Bicycle parking stalls required on an employee basis shall be based on the maximum number of employees on duty, or residing, or both, on the premises at any one (1) time.

Minimum Bicycle Parking Stalls Required
Outside Downtown Area Uses Minimum Short-Term Bike Parking Spaces Required Minimum Long-Term Bike Parking Spaces Required
1. Residential Uses:
a. Single-Family Dwelling (detached with private garage. If includes shared garage, bicycle parking requirements for multiple-family dwelling shall apply) No spaces required No spaces required
Under 3,000 sq. ft. of floor area* No spaces required No spaces required
3,000-3,749 sq. ft. of floor area* No spaces required No spaces required
3,750 sq. ft. of floor area* and above No spaces required No spaces required
b. Secondary Unit No spaces required No spaces required
c. Multiple-Family Dwelling (two-family, townhouse, condominium, apartments and apartment hotels)
Studio 0.05 per unit 1.0 per unit
One-bedroom 0.05 per unit 1.0 per unit
Two-bedroom 0.10 per unit 1.25 per unit
Three or more bedroom (or any dwelling unit over 1,400 square feet in floor area) 0.15 per unit 1.5 per unit
*Excluding enclosed parking facilities, uninhabitable accessory structures and covered patios.
2. Commercial Shopping Centers:
a. Community Shopping Center 1 per 5,000 s.f. 1 per 12,000 s.f.
b. Regional Shopping Center 1 per 10,000 s.f. 1 per 20,000 s.f.
Note: The above requirements will apply for all commercial shopping centers in the City; however, whenever the Zoning Administrator determines that delineation of independent uses is required, the following standards shall apply:
3. Commercial, Retail, and Service Uses:
a. Automobile service and gas stations (see Section 27.64.185) 2 spaces Min. of 1 space
b. Automobile washing and cleaning establishments, except self-service None Min. of 2 spaces
c. Barber shops or beauty parlors 1 per 2,000 s.f. 1 per 12,000 s.f.
d. Buildings used solely for coin-operated laundromats 1 per 2,000 s.f. 1 per 5,000 s.f.
e. Cemeteries, mausoleums, and columbaria 0.05 per acre 0.05 per acre
f. Contractors' storage yards in connection with contractor's business; salvage yard; junk yard; automobile wrecking yard; storage yard No spaces required No spaces required
g. Dry cleaners 1 per 2,000 s.f. 1 per 12,000 s.f.
h. Home improvement centers 1 per 10,000 s.f. 1 per 20,000 s.f.
i. Retail stores, food stores, and drugstores 1 per 2,000 s.f. 1 per 12,000 s.f.
j. Self-service automobile washes No spaces required No spaces required
4. Commercial and Public Recreation Uses:
a. Public parks (Public parks are considered a single lot with different activities. Rates shall be a sum of activities as described in Section 27.64.262(c).)
Parks of any size 1 per acre No spaces required
Sports courts (e.g., tennis, bocce ball and basketball) 1 per court No spaces required
Ball fields (e.g., soccer and softball) 1 per acre No spaces required
Group picnic areas 2 spaces per picnic table or per 10 seats No spaces required
Passive useable turf whose primary purpose is for informal play, family picnics or relaxation and play/courtyards (excludes areas that are less than 5,000 square feet) 1 per 20,000 s.f. No spaces required
Play areas (children) 1 per acre No spaces required
Recreation center 1 per 5,000 s.f. 1 per 20,000 s.f.
b. Health studios and spas 1 per 2,000 s.f. 1 per 20,000 s.f.
c. Dance studio 1 per 2,000 s.f. 1 per 12,000 s.f.
5. Educational Uses:
a. Colleges, universities, and institutions of higher learning, parochial and private 1 for every 10 students of planned capacity 1 per 10 employees
b. Day nurseries, including preschools and nursery schools 1 per 20 students 1 per 20 employees
c. Elementary and junior high schools 1 per 20 students 1 per 10 employees
d. Senior high schools 1 per 20 students 1 per 10 employees
e. Trade schools, business colleges, and commercial schools 1 per 20 students 1 per 10 employees
6. Health Uses:
a. Dental clinics or offices; medical clinics or offices 1 per 5,000 s.f. 1 per 12,000 s.f.
b. Health centers, government operated 1 per 5,000 s.f. 1 per 12,000 s.f.
c. Hospitals 1 per 20,000 s.f. 1 per 20 employees or 70,000 s.f., whichever is fewer
d. Veterinary hospitals & clinics 1 per 5,000 s.f. 1 per 12,000 s.f.
7. Office, Professional Uses:
a. Commercial banks, savings and loan office, other financial institutions, including stock brokerages 1 per 2,000 s.f. 1 per 12,000 s.f.
b. Offices 1 per 20,000 s.f. 1 per 10,000 s.f.
8. Manufacturing Plants and Kindred Uses:
a. Wholesale establishments, warehouses, storage buildings, or structures 1 per 5,000 s.f. 1 per 20,000 s.f.
9. Places of Assembly:
a. Fast food, drive-in, drive-thru, and take-out restaurants 1 per 10,000 s.f. 1 per 20,000 s.f.
b. Libraries, art galleries and museums—public 1 per 10,000 s.f. 1 per 20,000 s.f.
c. Restaurants, taverns, lounges, and other establishments for the sale and consumption on the premises of food and beverages 1 per 10,000 s.f. 1 per 20,000 s.f.
d. Theaters (indoor) 1 per 40 fixed seats 1 per 80 fixed seats