The Zoning Administrator shall enforce the provisions of this Title, and shall:
(a) Conduct such inspections of buildings, structures, and use of land as are necessary to determine compliance with the terms of this Title;
(b) Establish, with the approval of the Council, and administer rules for the conduct of the Zoning Administrator's office;
(c) Maintain permanent and current records of documents and proceedings under this Title;
(d) Provide and maintain a continuing program of education and public information on zoning matters;
(e) Recommend abatement of violations of this Title and aid in prosecution thereof;
(f) Receive, file, and transmit to the appropriate approval body all planning applications and all appeals which the designated approval body is authorized to review or to take final action upon under the provisions of this Title;
(g) Interpret provisions of the zoning ordinance, subject to appeal of the decision to the Planning Commission;
(h) Have the authority to review and approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the following types of projects, provided that the projects do not result in any significant impacts pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), subject to public notice and to appeal of the final action to the Planning Commission:
(1) Site plan and architectural review for projects that incorporate:
(A) Up to twenty-five (25) residential dwelling units that meet objective design standards as adopted by resolution of the City Council; or
(B) Up to five (5) residential dwelling units that do not meet objective design standards as adopted by resolution of the City Council; or
(C) Up to 10,000 square feet of non- residential development; or
(D) Other minor site improvements including but not limited to parking lots, landscaping, recreation facilities, accessory structures, recycling collection areas, circular driveways in R1, R2 districts;
(E) Fences over seven (7) feet and those over three (3) feet when located in a front yard and/or street side yard setback or within forty-five (45) feet of a street intersection line, authorized by Chapter 27.84.
(F) Freestanding signs.
(2) Site development permits for removal of major vegetation required for the construction of projects that require Zoning Administrator review and approval, or grading of five thousand (5,000) cubic yards or less under Chapter 23.40.
(3) Variances as authorized by Chapter 27.78, for single-family, accessory dwelling units, duplex dwellings, or residential projects with up to six (6) residential dwelling units.
(4) Temporary use permits authorized by Chapter 27.74.
(5) Modifications authorized by Chapter 27.08.
(6) Special permits to allow the following:
(A) Recycling facilities subject to regulations established in Chapter 27.69;
(B) Plumbing in detached accessory buildings in the R-1 zone, as authorized under Chapter 27.18
(C) Substantial removal of existing residences in an R-1 zoning district;
(D) Temporary real estate sales offices, as authorized under Chapters 26.04 and 27.18;
(E) Swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas located in required front or street side yards, as authorized under Chapter 27.18; and
(F) Additional floor area ratio in the R-3 District, as authorized under Chapter 27.22.
(7) Concurrent development of two or more contiguous lots or parcels of real property in R-1 and R-2 districts.
(8) Parcel Maps without exceptions as authorized by Title 26 (Subdivision).
(9) Single-Family Dwelling Design Review (SFDDR) Applications.
(10) City projects that meet the following criteria:
(A) The project was conceptually approved as part of, or approved concurrent with, a Master Plan, program document, or project planning document that is in effect and has been previously approved by the City Council; and
(B) The project does not propose major changes from previous City Council approval; and
(C) The project would not result in a significant environmental impact pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
(i) Notwithstanding the above, the Zoning Administrator may refer the application to the Planning Commission for hearing and action when it is unclear whether the necessary findings for project approval can be made.