City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


(a) Goals. The goals of this chapter are to:

(1) Assure that all existing and future employers and complexes participate in mitigating traffic problems by implementing TSM measures.

(2) Encourage coordination and consistency between public agencies and the private sector in planning and implementing transportation programs.

(3) Increase public awareness and encourage more use of alternatives to commuting by single occupant vehicles.

(4) Reduce traffic impacts within the City and the region by reducing the number of automobile trips, daily parking demand, and total vehicle miles per person traveled that would otherwise be generated by commuting.

(b) Objectives.

(1) To participate in an inter-city authority that works in partnership with employers to promote programs and services that help employers achieve their trip reduction goals in an effort to improve air quality and reduce traffic congestion in the region.

(2) To facilitate the achievement of vehicle to employee ratio (VER) standards by public and private employers subject to Regulation 13, Rule 1, a regional employer-based trip-reduction mandate effective in San Mateo County beginning July 1, 1994.

(3) To encourage and facilitate participation by employers with 25-99 employees in promoting commute alternatives to their employees.