City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.

24.01.010 FINDINGS.

(a) There has been a significant increase in traffic in the Cities and surrounding region, and this trend is anticipated to continue in the future.

(b) Recent and future development and redevelopment within the City and surrounding region will lead to increased traffic in the area.

(c) Transportation Systems Management (TSM) programs have been shown to be capable of reducing vehicle trips and increasing vehicle occupancy rates, and can be effective in reducing the need for increasing gasoline taxes and costly major road improvements.

(d) Decreasing the number of vehicular trips, both absolutely and within peak traffic period, will help alleviate traffic congestion, energy consumption, and noise levels and will assist in improving and maintaining air quality. These improvements will contribute to making the City an attractive and convenient place to live, work, visit and do business, and will help employers recruit and retain a qualified work force.

(e) Cooperation with and the coordination of TSM programs with nearby cities and other local agencies with transportation roles and participation in a Joint Powers Authority with some or all of these agencies will assist the City in the goals and objectives of this chapter.

(f) Adoption of this TSM ordinance is one component of implementing a comprehensive approach to reducing traffic problems that should be supported by complementary land use policies and transportation and transit improvements.

(g) Adoption of this TSM ordinance will promote public health, safety, economic vitality, mitigate the effects of traffic congestion including associated noise and air quality impacts on the environment, and support the general welfare, both within the City and region.

(h) The goals and objectives of this chapter are consistent with this City's General Plan.

(i) Participation of private and public employers, complex operators, employer organizations, and employee organizations (as said terms are hereinafter defined) is critical to the successful implementation of this TSM ordinance.

(j) In adopting the ordinance codified in this chapter, it is the intention of the City Council that employers and complex operators who act diligently and in good faith to comply with its provisions shall not be penalized for lack of participation of employees or tenants in commute alternatives, and shall not be held accountable for the achievement of a participation rate by employees or tenants.

(k) This chapter will implement provisions of that certain "Joint Powers Agreement establishing that Inter-City Transportation Systems Management (TSM) Authority", a joint exercise of powers agreement entered pursuant to the provisions of Government code Section 6500 et seq., of which Authority this City is a member.

(l) Since the Bay Area Air Quality Management District's (BAAQMD) Regulation 13, Rule 1 is the current trip-reduction regulation with which employers must comply and the local jurisdictions within San Mateo County did not elect to accept delegation of the Rule, the provisions in this chapter are intended to assist employers in achieving their trip-reduction goals as stipulated in the Rule.

(m) This chapter exempts worksites subject to the requirements of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District's Regulation 13, Rule 1 from any and all requirements of the Local TSM Ordinance which was set forth prior to July 1, 1994.