2018 Ordinances Codified Ordinances Ord. No. 2018-9. Amending Section 7.16.040, "Property Nuisances," of Chapter 7.16, "Public Nuisances," of the San Mateo Municipal Code Ord. No. 2018-8. Amend Chapter 11.56 "Bicycles" of the San Mateo Municipal Code Ord. No. 2018-5. Chapter 17.10 "Wireless Communications Facilities in the Public Right-Of-Way" Ord. No. 2018-4. Repeal Chapter 2.26, "Sustainability Commission" of the San Mateo Municipal Code and Amend Chapter 2.28 "Public Works Commission," to Establish the Sustainability and Infrastructure Commission Ord. No. 2018-3. Amending Section 27.06.080, "State Planning and Zoning Regulations," of Chapter 27.06, "Administration," Section 27.16.060, "Density Bonus," of Chapter 27.16, "Residence Districts," and Section 27.19.050 of Chapter 27.19, "Accessory Dwelling Unit and Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit—Residential Zones," of the San Mateo Municipal Code Ord. No. 2018-1. Establishing the Sewer Service Charge for Fiscal Years 2018-2019 Through 2022-2023 and Amending Chapter 3.54 of the San Mateo Municipal Code Uncodified Ordinances Ord. No. 2018-10. An Emergency Ordinance of the City of San Mateo Temporarily Prohibiting the Commercial Operation of Electric Scooter Businesses Ord. No. 2018-7. Amending the Zoning Map of the City of San Mateo to Rezone the Site at 2940 South Norfolk Street from C1-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) to C2-1 (Regional/Community Commercial) Ord. No. 2018-6. An Uncodified Ordinance of the City Council of the City of San Mateo Requiring Electronic Filing of Campaign Statements Ord. No. 2018-2. An Urgency Ordinance of the City of San Mateo Imposing a Moratorium on Specified Rental Housing Development Projects