2013 Ordinances Ord. No. 2013-14. Amending Chapter 23.28 of the San Mateo Municipal Code to Adopt the 2012 International Fire Code with the 2013 California Amendments Ord. No. 2013-13. Amending Title 23 of the San Mateo Municipal Code to Adopt the Administrative Code as Chapter 23.06, and the 2013 Edition of the California Building, Residential, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Existing Building and Green Building Codes; to Adopt the Noise Regulations Code Special Provisions 7.30.060 Ord. No. 2013-12. Amending Section 7.38.340, “Record Keeping Requirements,” and Section 7.38.360, “Self-Monitoring Requirements,” of Chapter 7.38, “Sanitary Sewer Use,” of the San Mateo Municipal Code to Add Record Keeping Requirements and an Industrial User Waiver Process for Industrial Users of the City Sewer System Ord. No. 2013-11. Amending Section 26.64.010, “Standards,” of Chapter 26.64, “Dedication of Land for Community Purposes,” of the San Mateo Municipal Code to Remove Variable Calculation Factors and Modify Fee Payment Deadlines Ord. No. 2013-10. Amending Section 1.04.050 “Enforcement-Citation Authority” Ord. No. 2013-9. Setting the 2013-2014 Sewer Service Charge Ord. No. 2013-8. Amending Section 11.32.020, “Definitions,” and Section 17.08.020, “Placing Certain Objects in the Public Right-Of-Way Prohibited – Exceptions,” and Adding Section 11.32.105, “Parking of Oversized Vehicles,” of the San Mateo Municipal Code Ord. No. 2013-7. Adding Chapter 5.86, “Reusable Bags,” to Title 5, “Business Licenses and Regulations,” of the San Mateo Municipal Code Ord. No. 2013-6. Adding Chapter 5.89, “Polystyrene Based Disposable Food Service Ware,” to Title 5, “Business Licenses and Regulations,” of the San Mateo Municipal Code Ord. No. 2013-5. Adding Chapter 17.34, “Special Events,” to Title 17, “Streets and Sidewalks,” of the San Mateo Municipal Code Ord. No. 2013-4. Amending Sections 13.05.030, Hours—Exceptions,” 13.10.010, “Special Events,” and 13.10.030, “Permits—Requirements,” of Title 13, “Parks and Recreation,” of the San Mateo Municipal Code Ord. No. 2013-3. Setting the 2013-2014 Sewer Connection Charges Related to the South Trunk Sewer Relief Development Impact Fee Ord. No. 2013-2. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of San Mateo, State of California, Repealing Chapter 2.22, “Community Improvement Commission,” and Amending Chapter 2.21, and Various Sections of the San Mateo Municipal Code to Transfer the Responsibilities of the Former Community Improvement Commission to the Community Relations Commission and Provide for a Limited Term Expansion of the Number of Community Relations Commission to Six Members Ord. No. 2013-1. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of San Mateo, State of California, Amending Section 27.60.180, “Qualified (Q) Overlay Zoning Districts,” of Chapter 27.60, “Special Districts,” of the San Mateo Municipal Code to Reclassify the Site at One Notre Dame Avenue (St. Matthew Catholic Parish & School Site) from R1-C (One Family Dwellings) to R1-C/Q7 (One Family Dwellings, Qualified Overlay District 7), and Amending the City’S Zoning Map to Reflect the Reclassification (PA 10-060; APN 034-232-340, -350, -370)