2012 Ordinances Ord. No. 2012-9. Amending Contract Between the City Council of the City of San Mateo and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CALPERS) Ord. No. 2012-8. Amending Section 27.38.020, “Permitted Uses,” Section 27.38.030, “Special Uses,” Section 27.38.040, “Conditions of Use,” Section 27.38.100, “Building Line and Setbacks,” Section 27.38.110, “Required Retail Frontage,” and Section 27.38.140, “Downtown Economic Development,” of Chapter 27.38, “CBD Districts—Central Business District,” and Section 27.74.020, “Power to Grant,” of Chapter 27.74, “Special Use Permits,” of the San Mateo Municipal Code Ord. No. 2012-7. Amending Chapter 3.56, “Transient Occupancy Tax,” of the San Mateo Municipal Code Ord. No. 2012-6. Setting the 2012-2013 Sewer Service Charge Ord. No. 2012-5. Amending Section 27.04.058, “Bicycle Parking Facility,” of Chapter 27.04, “Definitions,” and Section 27.64.262, “Bicycle Parking Facilities,” of Chapter 27.64, “Off-Street Parking,” of Title 27, “Zoning” of the San Mateo Municipal Code to Implement the Bicycle Master Plan Ord. No. 2012-4. Amending Section 27.38.090, “Open Space Requirements,” of Chapter 27.38, “CBD Districts-Central Business District,” and Section 27.64.023, “Parking—Prohibited on Lawns, Flowers,” of Chapter 27.64, “Off-Street Parking and Loading” and Section 27.84.040, “Fence or Hedge-Branch Extension” of Chapter 27.84, “Fences, Trees and Hedges,” and Section 27.87.020, “Requirements”, of Chapter 27.87, “Outdoor Restaurant Seating and Merchandise Display,” and Section 27.87.030, “Development Standards and Conditions of Use,” of Chapter 27.87, “Outdoor Restaurant Seating and Merchandise Display,” and Section 27.87.040, “Off-Street Parking and Loading,” or Chapter 27.87, “Outdoor Restaurant Seating and Merchandise Display,” of Title 27 “Zoning” of the San Mateo Municipal Code to Implement the Pedestrian Master Plan Ord. No. 2012-3. Setting the 2012-2013 Sewer Connection Charges Ord. No. 2012-2. Amending Chapter 1.01, “Code Adoption,” Chapter 1.04, “General Penalty,” and Chapter 1.10, “Administrative Citations,” and Other Provisions of the San Mateo Municipal Code Relating to Code Enforcement, and Adding Chapter 1.14, “Administrative Compliance Orders,” to the San Mateo Municipal Code Ord. No. 2012-1. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of San Mateo, State of California, Rescinding Its Ordinance No. 2008-13 Adopted September 2, 2008 and Levying a Special Tax for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 and Following Fiscal Years Solely Within and Relating to Community Facilities District No. 2008-1 (Bay Meadows), City of San Mateo, County of San Mateo, State of California