2010 Ordinances Ord. No. 2010-18. Amending Chapter 7.38, “Sanitary Sewer Use,” of the San Mateo Municipal Code Ord. No. 2010-17. Amending Chapter 23.28 of the San Mateo Municipal Code to Adopt the 2009 Edition of the International Fire Code Ord. No. 2010-16. Amending Title 23 of the San Mateo Municipal Code to Adopt the Administrative Code as Chapter 23.06, and the 2010 Edition of the California Building, Residential, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Existing Building and Green Building Codes, and Deleting Chapter 23.09 “Change of Occupancy” Ord. No. 2010-15. Amending Certain Sections of Title 27, the "Zoning Code," of the San Mateo Municipal Code to Implement the 2010 General Plan Update Ord. No. 2010-14. Amending Chapter 3.35, "Claims for Tax Refunds," of the San Mateo Municipal Code by Adding Section 3.35.045, "Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies" Ord. No. 2010-13. Approving a Development Agreement for an Office Development at 400-450 Concar Drive (PA09-009) Ord. No. 2010-12. Amending Section 23.06.120 of the San Mateo Municipal Code Regarding Building Regulations – Investigation Fees Ord. No. 2010-11. Amending Section 11.44.015, “Parking Meter Placement and Limits,” of the San Mateo Municipal Code Ord. No. 2010-10. Setting the 2010-2011 Sewer Service Change Ord. No. 2010-9. Reclassifying Property on South Amphlett Blvd. from C4-1 (Service Commercial) and R2 (Two Family Dwellings) to C3-2 (Regional Community Commercial) and Amending the City's Zoning Map to Reflect the Reclassification (The San Mateo Times Site) Ord. No. 2010-8. Amending Various Provisions of the San Mateo Municipal Code Regarding Signs Ord. No. 2010-7. Amending Section 23.28.190 of the San Mateo Municipal Code to Amend the 2007 California Fire Code Adopted by the City of San Mateo Ord. No. 2010-6. Amending Chapter 3.50 of the San Mateo Municipal Code, "Transactions and Use Tax", Relating to the Sunset Clause Ord. No. 2010-5. Amending Chapter 10.12, "Curfew - Minors," of the San Mateo Municipal Code Ord. No. 2010-4. Amending Sections 7.32.100 "Removal from Residential Property," 7.32.110, "Removal from Non-Residential Property," and 7.32.160, "Collection Rates" of Chapter 7.32, "Garbage," of the San Mateo Municipal Code Ord. No. 2010-3. Amending Chapter 7.41 of the San Mateo Municipal Code Regarding Tobacco Retailer Permit Suspensions Ord. No. 2010-2. Adding Section 5.03.315, "Tax Collector," to Chapter 5.03, "Definitions," and Adding Section 5.12.020, "Constitutional Apportionment," to Chapter 5.12, "Tax Return Filing-Issuance of Certificate," of the San Mateo Municipal Code Ord. No. 2010-1. Amending Chapter 3.50 of the San Mateo Municipal Code, "Transactions and Use Tax", to Add a Sunset Clause