City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


(a) Within the first year of a user being designated as a significant industrial user by the Director, the Director shall evaluate the significant industrial user (or any other user as deemed necessary), to determine the need for a spill prevention and slug discharge control plan. Requirements for such plans shall be stated in a waste discharge permit. Plan shall include, at minimum, a description of discharge practices, including non-routine batch discharges, description of stored chemicals, procedures for notifying the Director of any noncompliant discharge, as specified in this chapter, and procedures to prevent adverse impact from any noncompliant discharge.

(b) Each user shall provide adequate protection to prevent prohibited discharges regulated by this chapter. Where directed by the Director, the user shall install retention basins, dikes, storage tanks, or other facilities designed to eliminate, neutralize, offset, or otherwise negate the effects of prohibited materials or wastes which may be accidentally discharged in violation of this chapter.

(c) No person shall store hazardous materials above a sink that is connected to the sanitary sewer in a commercial or industrial facility. The Director may allow an exception when the hazardous materials are secondarily contained and when constrained to prevent accidental spills caused by earthquakes and other occurrences.