7.38.090 NEW SOURCES.
(a) New sources of industrial waste discharge shall be in full compliance with the provisions of this chapter at the time of commencement of discharge.
(b) The owner of every newly constructed, remodeled, or converted commercial industrial facility shall comply with the following requirements upon commencement of discharge. These requirements shall apply to remodeled or converted facilities to the extent that the portion of the facility being remodeled or converted is related to the subject of the requirement.
(1) Industrial waste shall be separated from domestic waste by means of separate plumbing prior to a point determined acceptable for location of industrial waste pretreatment and/or monitoring equipment.
(2) One or more outside manholes, access boxes, cleanouts, junction chambers, flow metering devices or other sampling and measuring points shall be installed which will allow separate inspection, sampling and flow measurement of industrial waste discharges. Access points shall be so located that they are safe and accessible for inspection at any reasonable time during which the discharge is occurring. Sampling locations where there is a possibility of an overflow reaching the storm drain shall be sealed, have secondary containment, or provide other protection as approved by the Director.
(3) Pretreatment systems shall be installed as needed to comply with all applicable federal and local pretreatment standards and requirements.
(4) Interior (indoor) floor drains may not be placed in areas where hazardous materials, hazardous substances, industrial wastes, industrial process water, lubricating fluids, or vehicle fluids are used or stored, unless secondary containment is provided for all such materials and equipment. The Director may allow an exception to this requirement when a drain is connected to a pretreatment system approved by the Director, or, if in an industrial equipment area, the equipment does not contain hazardous waste.
(5) Exterior (outdoor) drains may be connected to the sanitary sewer only if the area in which the drain is located is covered or protected from rainwater run-on by berms and/or grading, and appropriate wastewater pretreatment is provided. Any loading dock area or other outdoor work area with a sewer drain shall be constructed and operated so as to prevent entry of rainwater to the sewer.
(6) Interior drains shall always be connected to the sanitary sewer, except where the purpose of the drain is to collect groundwater for discharge to the storm drainage system.
(7) Cooling tower blowdown and boiler blowdown shall discharge to the sanitary sewer system only and shall not discharge to the storm drain system.
(8) Condensate lines shall be connected or drain to the sanitary sewer system.
(9) Compressed air system condensate drains and similar sources of potential oily waste shall discharge only to the sanitary sewer and through a device to remove the oily waste prior to discharge.
(10) Drains shall not be installed in secondary containment areas where hazardous materials or hazardous wastes are used or stored.
(11) Swimming pool discharge drains shall not be connected directly to the sanitary sewer system or to the storm drain system. When draining is necessary, a hose or other temporary system shall be directed to a sanitary sewer cleanout. A sewer cleanout shall be installed in a readily accessible area.
(12) Facilities shall dispose of all wastewater to the sanitary sewer, including, but not limited to, wastewater generated from floor cleaning, equipment washing, waste storage area cleaning, and similar sources. Food service facilities shall have a sink or other area for cleaning floor mats, containers, and equipment, which is connected to a pretreatment system and the sanitary sewer. The sink or cleaning area shall be large enough to clean the largest mat or piece of equipment to be cleaned.
(13) Elevator sumps shall not be connected to the sanitary sewer system or to the storm drain system.
(14) Parking garage floors drains on interior levels shall be connected to the sanitary sewer system.
Detailed plans describing such facilities and their upkeep shall be submitted to the Director for review and shall be approved before such facilities are constructed. The review of such plans and operating procedures shall in no way relieve the user from the responsibility of modifying such facilities as necessary to assure the discharge maintains compliance with this chapter.