City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


(a) Structures and/or Hardscape Improvements planned for demolition shall be made available for deconstruction, salvage and recovery prior to demolition.

(b) It shall be the responsibility of the owner, the general contractor and all subcontractors to recover the maximum feasible amount of salvageable materials prior to demolition. In the event the Applicant believes that no materials can be salvaged for reuse or recycling from a particular project, a written form must be completed and provided to the Public Works Department identifying the reasons why salvaging cannot take place. The Director of Public Works or designee will determine whether this requirement shall be waived in whole or in part.

(c) Recovered and salvaged material from the deconstruction phase materials, shall qualify in meeting the diversion requirements of this chapter.

(d) Recovered or salvaged materials may be given or sold on the premises, or may be removed to a reuse warehouse or other reuse facility for storage or sale.