City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code

5.89.040 Recordkeeping and Inspection

(a) Food Facilities shall keep complete and accurate record or documents of the below items:

(1) Commencing on April 1, 2021, the purchase of all Disposable Food Service Ware, including Non-Compostable and Compostable items.

(2) The purchase of the acceptable Disposable Food Service Ware evidencing compliance with this Chapter for a minimum period of three years from the date of purchase.

(b) The record shall be made available for inspection at no cost to the City during regular business hours by City or any other entity authorized to enforce this Chapter. Unless an alternative location or method of review is mutually agreed upon, the records or documents shall be made available at the Food Facility address.

(c) The provision of false or incomplete information, records, or documents to the City shall be a violation of this Chapter.