City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


(a) Applications for any adjustment in rates may be filed by a taxicab company, or a member of the public or City staff. Applications shall first be filed in writing with the Sustainability and Infrastructure Commission, setting forth justification for such adjustment and requesting a hearing thereon. Such applications shall not be filed until one (1) year has passed since the last rate adjustment.

(b) The Commission shall set the matter for hearing at their regular monthly meeting following the filing of a completed application. Any interested person may be heard concerning the requested adjustment. The hearing may be continued as the Commission deems necessary, except that they shall act upon the matter by a recommendation to the Council no later than 90 days after the date of filing a completed application.

(c) Upon the expiration of said 90 days, or upon receipt of the Commission's recommendation, whichever is sooner, the matter shall be set for hearing at the Council's next regular meeting. The decision of the Council establishing the rates in a resolution shall be final.