City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.


Every applicant for a permit as a driver of a taxicab shall make application to the Tax Collector on forms to be supplied by the Tax Collector. No application shall be accepted unless the applicant is:

(1) Able to read the English language;

(2) Twenty-one years of age or over;

(3) Free of any infirmity, physical or mental, which would render him or her unfit for safe operation of a public vehicle;

(4) Not addicted to the use of alcohol or drugs;

(5) Able to provide the City with negative test results for alcohol and controlled substances pursuant to Government Code Section 53075.5;

(6) The holder of a valid driver's license issued by the State.

The application form shall set forth such information as the Tax Collector may require, and shall be accompanied by the certificate of a physician that applicant is free from infirmities which would prevent his or her driving a public conveyance with safety.

Applicant shall also submit to fingerprinting and photographing by the Police Department for the police record. One photograph shall be filed with the Police Department. The other shall be affixed to the identification card as required in Section 5.75.250. The costs of fingerprinting and photographing shall be paid before the application will be processed.