City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


(a) No person shall own or operate a taxicab company without first obtaining a taxicab company permit from the City Manager or designee.

(b) Each application for a permit to operate a taxicab shall contain the following information:

(1) The name of the owner;

(2) The financial responsibility and experience of the applicant;

(3) The location where the taxicab will operate from.

(c) This application for a taxicab company permit must be filed simultaneously with the owner's application for a certificate of convenience and necessity so that the City Manager can process the two (2) applications together. The taxicab company permit will not be issued until it is determined that public convenience and necessity justify approval of the permit (see Section 5.75.030).

(d) Before any taxicab company permit may issue, the owner of the taxicab shall file with the Tax Collector a statement containing the year, make, model, type, passenger-seating capacity, vehicle identification number, and license number of the taxicab to be put in service. The Chief of Police or designee must also inspect the taxicab to determine compliance with all applicable laws.

(e) Applicant shall also submit to fingerprinting and photographing by the Police Department for the police record. The costs of fingerprinting and photographing shall be paid before the application will be processed.

(f) If the application is approved and the taxicab meets all requirements of law, the Tax Collector shall issue a permit to operate the taxicab.

(g) If the owner of a taxicab company permit sells, transfers or discontinues the business, the permit to operate the taxicab company will be automatically revoked. Any new owner of an existing business must apply for a new taxicab company permit prior to taking over the operation of the business. (See also Section 5.75.030(j).)