City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.


No person shall manage, conduct or carry on the business of a private patrol or security service unless under and by the authority of a written permit from the bureau.

For the purposes of this chapter, the terms "private patrol" and "security service" mean a business or occupation in which any person who performs as a street patrol officer or who furnishes street patrol service or street patrol special officers to protect persons or property, whether for public or private purposes, or to prevent the theft, unlawful taking, loss, embezzlement, misappropriation, or concealment of any goods, wares, merchandise, money, bonds, stocks, notes, documents, papers, or property of any kind; or performs the duties of such a street patrol special officer or street patrol service for any of said purposes.

A person who is engaged to safeguard private property and whose duties are carried out on private property, making only incidental use of the streets to travel from one location to another and not intending to make known his or her presence on the streets as a deterrent to law violators or engage in street surveillance is not subject to the requirements of this chapter.