City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


The City Manager or designee may require a pre-qualification process for bidders, suppliers, or professionals (hereinafter collectively referred to as "bidder(s)"). The pre-qualification process shall require at a minimum that prospective bidders answer questions that are contained in a pre-qualification questionnaire. Notice of the pre-qualification requirement shall be given in the same manner as is required to receive bids or proposals and once pre-qualification notice is given additional notice shall not be required to receive the bids or proposals. Responses to the pre-qualification requirements shall be provided within the time frames designated and any written responses shall be provided in a sealed envelope under penalty of perjury.

The pre-qualification questionnaire shall include, but not be limited, to questions pertaining to the following criteria:

(a) The familiarity and experience of the prospective bidder with the particular type of purchase or contract designated;

(b) The sufficiency and availability of personnel, equipment, materials, and other facilities or resources of the prospective bidder to accomplish the designated work or provide the construction or contract supplies, materials, or reports and opinions.

(c) The ability of the prospective bidder to provide required bonds and insurance, including indemnity.

(d) The financial ability/condition of the prospective bidder to accomplish the work designated.

(e) The experience of the prospective bidder to perform the designated work as well as the experience in performing similar work.

(f) The safety record of the prospective bidder.

(g) The record of the prospective bidder within the preceding 5 years regarding claims, arbitration, mediation, or litigation filed by or against the prospective bidder regarding public or private construction contracts or other contracts where the prospective bidder provided services, supplies, materials, opinions or reports.

(h) Such other information as is deemed appropriate for the particular purchase or contract.

The City Manager or designee shall apply a uniform rating system to the prospective bidders for each purchase or contract. Bidders that are deemed qualified shall be provided the opportunity to submit bids or proposals in the manner set forth in this chapter; no other bids are required to be sought, although the City may solicit additional bids if in the exercise of its discretion, it determines it to be in the City's best interests.