City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.


For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:

(a) "Commercial" means all uses other than residential.

(b) "Connection" means each separate residential, lodging, or commercial and industrial, and institutional unit connected to an internal plumbing drainage system or external sewer lateral.

(c) "Customer class" means or represents the structure or designation by which a user is classified based on industry standards for wastewater strength, as measured by biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solids (SS). There are five customer classes, one for residential and four for commercial customers. Customer classes are further defined as shown below.

(1) Class A – Standard Strength. All residential users including, but not limited to, single-family dwelling units, duplex units, and multi-family dwelling units.

(2) Class B – Standard Strength. Commercial users, including, but not limited to, offices, retail establishments, hotel and motels without restaurants, mixed uses (high strength comprises < 25% of flow).

(3) Class C – Moderate Strength. Commercial users, including, but not limited to, hotels and motels with restaurants, industrial laundries, mixed use (high strength comprises 25% to 75% of flow), supermarkets with food preparation, bakeries, meat or seafood counters.

(4) Class D – High Strength. Commercial users, including, but not limited to, restaurants, wholesale bakeries, mortuaries, mixed use (high strength comprises >75% of flow).

(5) Class E – Special. Commercial users that may require a determination on a case by case basis as prescribed by Section 3.54.030.

(d) "Director of Public Works" means Director of Public Works or designee.

(e) "Fixture unit" means a unit of measurement for computing waste flow volumes for each plumbing fixture as set forth in the Uniform Plumbing Code as then adopted by the City in Title 23 of this code.

(f) "Institutional" means uses by churches, clubs, hospitals, lodges, community care facilities, schools, and public buildings, whether privately or publicly owned, and whether profit or nonprofit in operation. Such entities shall be considered commercial.

(g) "Residential" means a place designed or used for residence or dwelling, whether permanent or temporary in nature. Residential does not include hotels or motels.

(h) "Restaurant" means restaurant, fast-food, and drive-in establishments, as defined in the Zoning Code.

(i) "User" means any person or persons, a legal entity, or a business, commercial or manufacturing enterprise, which uses the sewer system and disposal facilities of the City in any manner, and whether a property owner or tenant.