Wherever a lawfully existing building or other structure otherwise conforms to the use regulations of this title, but is nonconforming only in the particular manner hereinafter specified, the building and use thereof shall be exempt from the requirements of Section 27.72.060:
(1) In any R district, where a building is nonconforming only as to the number of dwelling units it contains, provided no such building shall be altered in any way so as to increase the number of dwelling units therein;
(2) In any R district, where a use permitted in the C1 district occupies ground floor space within a multiple family dwelling located on a corner lot;
(3) In any C or M district, where the use is less distant from an R district than that specified in the regulations for the district in which it is located;
(4) In any district, where an established building, structure or use is nonconforming with respect to the standards prescribed in this chapter for any of the following:
(A) Floor area ratio,
(B) Yards, front, side, or rear,
(C) Off-street parking or loading,
(D) Lot area,
(E) Gross floor area,
(F) Garages or carports,
(G) Lot coverage.