City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


(a) R1 Districts. In R1 Districts, Section 27.18.100 shall govern structures or building projections in required yards.

(b) All other districts. For all other districts, the following structures, building projections or features shall be permitted in all yards:

(1) Overhanging eaves and gutters projecting a maximum of three (3) feet or fifty percent (50%) of the required yard width, whichever is less;

(2) Awnings, canopies and covered patios;

(3) Greenhouse or oriel bay windows projecting three (3) feet or less into a required yard, provided that the outside face of the projection shall be at least three (3) feet from the property line;

(4) Chimneys projecting two (2) feet or less into a required yard provided that the outside face of the chimney shall be at least three (3) feet from the property line;

(5) Arbors and trellises having a maximum height of eight (8) feet;

(6) Flag poles, garden ornaments and play equipment;

(7) Fences, subject to provisions of Chapter 27.84 of this title;

(8) Basements which are completely below grade;

(9) Steps which are necessary to provide access to the first living level of a permitted building or to a parcel from a street or alley;

(10) Open swimming pools and spas, subject to setbacks from property lines established in Section 23.44.030 of this title.

(c) Front yard projections. For districts other than R1, the following structures or building projections shall be permitted in front yards:

(1) Balconies or decks projecting six (6) feet or less into the required yard;

(2) Porte cochere or similar pedestrian entry feature in multi-family or commercial developments which are less than six hundred (600) square feet in total area and have a width less than twenty (20) percent of the property street frontage.

(d) Rear yard projections. For districts other than R1, the following structures, building projections or features shall be permitted in rear yards:

(1) Accessory structures subject to provisions of Section 27.70.010 of this title;

(2) Open parking spaces;

(3) Balconies or decks projecting six (feet) or less into the required yard;

(e) Interior side yard projections. For districts other than R1, the following structures, building projections or features shall be permitted in interior side yards:

(1) Accessory structures subject to provisions of Section 27.70.010 of this title;

(f) Street side yard projections. For districts other than R1, the following structures, building projections or features shall be permitted in street side yards:

(1) Balconies or decks projecting not more than three (3) feet, provided that the distance between the projection and the street property line shall be at least 7.5 feet.

(2) Porte cochere or similar pedestrian entry feature in multi-family or commercial developments which are less than six hundred (600) square feet in total area and have a width less than twenty (20) percent of the property street frontage.

(f) In all districts, covered pools are not allowed in required yards.

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