City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.


(a) Individually Eligible Buildings. No building permit for an exterior facade modification, exterior alteration, or building addition involving an individually eligible building shall be issued until a planning application for Site Plan and Architectural Review has been approved in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27.08 and Section 27.06.010 of the Zoning Code.

(b) Contributor Buildings. Unless otherwise required by this code, minor facade modifications, in accordance with Section 27.08.031, which conform to the adopted Downtown Retail Core and Downtown Historic District Design Guidelines, shall be exempt from the requirements for a Site Plan and Architectural Review. However, the Zoning Administrator may require submittal and approval of a Site Plan and Architectural Review application in cases involving facade modifications which may adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or historic or aesthetic value of the historic structure, its site or surroundings.

(c) In all cases involving alteration of significant historical building details, building modifications or new buildings which may affect the integrity of the historic district, or construction which may affect individually eligible or contributor buildings, the Zoning Administrator may require an independent analysis by an architectural historian of the project's impact on downtown historic resources. The incorporation of the report's findings and recommendations may be incorporated as conditions of approval.