City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


In this district, residential uses shall be permitted as part of mixed use developments, subject to the following conditions:

(a) Unit Density.

(1) CBD (Central Business District). Residential development on properties zoned CBD shall not exceed 50 units per acre regardless of parcel size.

(2) CBD/R (Central Business District/Residential Overlay District—Mixed Use). Residential development on properties zoned CBD/R shall be subject to /R density standards.

(b) Floor Area. Any portion of lot area used for surface parking or above grade parking shall be included in floor area for the purposes of computing maximum permissible floor area.

(c) Open Space. Residential development shall include private usable open space equal to at least 80 square feet per dwelling unit or common usable open space equal to at least 150% of the private usable open space requirements, or a combination of both.

Private usable open space used to fulfill this requirement shall have a usable area of not less than 75 square feet and shall not be less than six (6) feet in any dimension.