City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.


(a) Setbacks.

(1) Properties from Ninth Avenue to SR 92 which have frontage on El Camino Real shall provide the following yards:

(i) A minimum of 10 feet from front of property line along El Camino Real Frontage where property is developed with buildings over two stories in height; and

(ii) One-half the height of any building where the property is adjacent to residential districts.

(2) Properties with frontage on El Camino Real from SR 92 to the Belmont City limits shall provide the following yards:

(i) A minimum of 10 feet from back of curb along the El Camino Real Frontage where property is developed with parking lots and/or buildings up to two stories and/or 28 feet in height from grade of sidewalk;

(ii) Buildings over two stories and/or 28 feet in height from grade of sidewalk, shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the property line along the El Camino Real Frontage; and

(iii) Where the property is adjacent to residential districts, buildings over two stories and/or 28 feet in height from grade of sidewalk, shall be set back one-half the height of the building along the El Camino Real frontage; and

(iv) Corner properties along El Camino Real shall provide setbacks indicated in subsection (a)(2)(i) through (iii) along the side street frontages for a minimum of 50% of property frontage measured from the corner of the intersection.

(v) Entry features and/or entry towers above two stories and/or 28 feet in height from the grade of the sidewalk are allowed to extend up to the setbacks indicated in subsection (a)(2)(i) for properties along El Camino Real.

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(b) Build-to-line for properties with frontage on El Camino Real from SR 92 to the Belmont City limits shall be as follows:

(1) Buildings shall be built to the setback line indicated in subsection (a) for a minimum of 50% of the frontage on El Camino Real. The building shall be contiguous along the build-to-line, although the building facade(s) may be articulated;

(2) Buildings on corner parcels shall be built to the corner along the setback line indicated in subsection (a) for a minimum of 50% of the frontage on El Camino Real and shall continue the minimum setback line in subsection (a) for at least 50% of side street frontage. In case of parcels with depth less than 100 feet, the 50% build-to-line along the side street may be reduced to accommodate necessary parking access from the side street; and

(3) Up to 25% of the building may be set back further from the required build-to-line indicated in subsection (b)(1) to provide for a public amenity such as a plaza, outdoor seating or outdoor dining. In no case shall the setback be greater than 20 feet from the back of curb or 10 feet from the property line along El Camino Real, whichever is greater.

(c) Setback and build-to-line for Q5 (Qualified Overlay District 5) setbacks and build-to-lines set forth in subsections (a) and (b) may be modified in accordance with findings as provided for in Section 27.60.160(e).

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