City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


(a) The open space requirements of this district are in addition to any open space requirements resulting from the approval and filing of a subdivision map, any open space requirements imposed upon a planned development in accord with the general plan, or any required off street parking areas or driveways. Open space required by this section is intended to be for the use and enjoyment of the residents of the development.

(b) Each dwelling unit shall be provided with the following:

(1) Not less than eighty (80) square feet per dwelling unit of private open space directly accessible to each unit provided that no single creditable private open space shall be less than seventy-five (75) square feet or have a dimension of less than six (6) feet in each direction, or

(2) 150 percent of the private usable open space requirement in common usable open spaces provided that no creditable common usable open space shall be less than 300 square feet with a dimension not less than fifteen (15) feet in each direction, or

(3) A proportional combination of both of the above.