27.21.045 Discretionary Review as Alternative to Ministerial Approval
Projects that do not meet the provisions of this Chapter shall be subject to either a Single-Family Dwelling Design Review (SFDDR) or Site Plan and Architectural Review (SPAR) discretionary review process.
(a) In no case shall an application for discretionary review:
(1) Propose to increase FAR above that permitted by the underlying zoning district, except to the extent allowed by state law; or
(2) Propose to further subdivide a parcel that had been established through a previous urban lot split pursuant to Government Code Sections 65852.21 and 66411.7, as amended; or
(3) Propose to increase the maximum number of permitted dwelling units; or
(4) Propose a parcel size smaller than 1,200 sq. ft.; or
(5) Propose less than one parking space per unit unless otherwise allowed per Section 27.21.070 of this Chapter.