27.02.180 Relocation Assistance/Allowance.
In the event of demolition of existing residential dwelling units and/or conversion causing relocation, a list of the head of household of each unit to be demolished or converted shall be provided to the Planning Division in order to determine that a planning application is complete. Relocation assistance shall be provided by a planning applicant to each household prior to any notice of relocation as follows:
(a) A list of available comparable housing within San Mateo County; and
(b) A relocation allowance in cash or check equivalent to three times the current monthly United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Fair Market Rent for a dwelling unit of comparable size and type to the dwelling or room from which the displacement occurs; and
(c) A payment not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for actual moving costs and related expenses incurred by the tenant household and substantiated by reasonably probative documentation; and
(d) Other reasonable assistance and allowance, as determined by the final approval body in a condition of approval.