City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code


A single, temporary structure to serve as an office for the sale or lease of buildings or facilities under construction may be permitted on the construction site if approved by the Zoning Administrator under an application for a site plan and architectural review as set forth in Section 27.08.030. Approval of such application shall include the following conditions:

(a) The temporary structure and its facilities shall meet the health, safety and sanitation requirements for permanent structures.

(b) The temporary structure shall be removed not later than 30 days after completion of all sales or leases of the buildings or facilities under construction, or 30 days after certification of occupancy of any structure or portion thereof, whichever occurs sooner; and in no event later than one year after approval of the temporary structure is final.

(c) Plans for replacement and removal of the temporary structure must be approved by the building official.

(d) Unless real estate sales are a permitted use in the district, a special use permit shall first be obtained by the applicant as set forth in Chapter 27.74 of this title, but in no event shall the temporary structure be used for transactions regarding any property off the site of the project where it is located.

(e) Upon removal of the temporary structure, and if the district uses allow or the special use permit allows, the sales functions may occupy any structure in the development certified for occupancy for an additional period not to exceed that which may be set forth in the special use permit.