23.70.040 Local Amendment Regarding Electric Vehicle Charging for New Multifamily Residential Construction
(a) Green Building Code Section 4.106.4 "Electric vehicle (EV) charging for new construction," is amended to read as follows:
4.106.4 Electric vehicle (EV) charging. New construction shall comply with Section or, and, to facilitate future installation and use of EV chargers. Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) shall be installed in accordance with the California Electrical Code, Article 625. For EVCS signs, refer to Caltrans Traffic Operations Policy Directive 13-01 (Zero Emission Vehicle Signs and Pavement Markings) or its successor(s). Calculation for spaces shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number.
1. On a case-by-case basis, where the local enforcing agency has determined EV charging and infrastructure are not feasible based upon one or more of the following conditions:
1.1 Where there is no local utility power supply or the local utility is unable to supply adequate power.
1.2 Where there is evidence suitable to the local enforcing agency substantiating that additional local utility infrastructure design requirements, directly related to the implementation of Section 4.106.4, may increase construction cost by an average of $4,500 per parking space for market rate housing or $400 per parking space for affordable housing. EV infrastructure shall be provided up to the level that would not exceed this cost for utility service.
1.3 Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADU) without additional parking facilities and without electrical panel upgrade or new panel installation. ADUs and JADUs without additional parking but with electrical panel upgrades or new panels must have reserved breakers and electrical capacity according to the requirements of
2. Projects with multifamily residential units that submitted Planning Applications prior to the effective date of this ordinance.
3. Parking spaces accessible only by automated mechanical car parking systems are not required to comply with this code section.
(b) Green Building Code Section, "New multifamily dwellings, hotels and motels and new residential parking facilities," is amended to read as follows: New multifamily dwellings and new residential parking facilities. Requirements apply to parking spaces that are assigned or leased to individual dwelling units, as well as unassigned residential parking. Visitor or common area parking is not included.
(c) Green Building Code Section, "Multifamily development projects with less than 20 dwelling units; and hotels and motels with less than 20 sleeping units or guest rooms," is amended to read as follows: New Construction. Fifteen percent (15%) of dwelling units with parking spaces shall be EVCS with Level 2 EV Ready. ALMS shall be permitted to reduce load when multiple vehicles are charging. Eighty-five percent (85%) of dwelling units with parking spaces shall be provided with a Low Power Level 2 EV Ready space. EV ready spaces and EVCS in multifamily developments shall comply with California Building Code, Chapter 11A, Section 1109A. EVCS shall comply with the accessibility provisions for EV chargers in the California Building Code, Chapter 11B.
Note: The total number of EV spaces should be one-hundred percent (100%) of dwelling units or one-hundred percent (100%) of parking spaces, whichever is less.
(d) Green Building Code Section, "Multifamily development projects with 20 or more dwelling units, hotels and motels with 20 or more sleeping units or guest rooms," is amended to read as follows: Existing Buildings. When new parking facilities are added, or electrical systems or lighting of existing parking facilities are added or altered and the work requires a building permit, ten (10) percent of the total number of parking spaces added or altered, shall be electric vehicle charging spaces (EV spaces) capable of supporting future Level 2 EVSE.
1. Construction documents are intended to demonstrate the project's capability and capacity for facilitating future EV charging.
2. There is no requirement for EV spaces to be constructed or available until EV chargers are installed for use.
(e) Green Building Code Section "Electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS)" is not adopted
(f) Green Building Code Section "Location" is not adopted
(g) Green Building Code Section "Electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS) dimensions" is not adopted
(h) Green Building Code Section "Accessible EV spaces" is not adopted
(i) Green Building Code Section "EV Space requirements" is not adopted
(j) Green Building Code Section "Identification" is not adopted
(k) Green Building Code Section "Electric Vehicle Ready Space Signage" is not adopted
(l) Green Building Code Section "Electric vehicle charging for additions and alterations of parking facilities serving existing multifamily buildings," is amended, and adds new subsections to read as follows: Electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS). Electric vehicle charging stations required by Section shall comply with Section
Exception: Electric vehicle charging stations serving public accommodations, public housing, motels, and hotels shall not be required to comply with this section. See California Building Code, Chapter 11B, for applicable requirements. Location. EVCS shall comply with at least one of the following options:
1. The charging space shall be located adjacent to an accessible parking space meeting the requirements of the California Building Code, Chapter 11A, to allow use of the EV charger from the accessible parking space.
2. The charging space shall be located on an accessible route, as defined in the California Building Code, Chapter 2, to the building.
Exception: Electric vehicle charging stations designed and constructed in compliance with the California Building Code, Chapter 11B, are not required to comply with Section and Section Dimensions. The charging spaces shall be designed to comply with the following:
1. The minimum length of each EV space shall be 18 feet (5486 mm).
2. The minimum width of each EV space shall be 9 feet (2743 mm).
3. One in every 25 charging spaces, but not less than one, shall also have an 8-foot (2438 mm) wide minimum aisle. A 5-foot (1524 mm) wide minimum aisle shall be permitted provided the minimum width of the EV space is 12 feet (3658 mm).
a. Surface slope for this EV space and the aisle shall not exceed 1 unit vertical in 48 units horizontal (2.083 percent slope) in any direction.
Exception: Where the City's Municipal or Zoning Code permits parking space dimensions that are less than the minimum requirements stated in this section, and the compliance with which would be infeasible due to particular circumstances of a project, an exception may be granted while remaining in compliance with California Building Code Section Table 11B- and 11B-812, as applicable.
(m) Green Building Code Section 4.106.4, "Electric vehicle (EV) charging for new construction," is amended to add a new subsection and read as follows: Direct current fast charging stations. One DCFC may be substituted for up to five (5) EVCS to meet the requirements of and Where ALMS serve DCFC stations, the power demand from the DCFC shall be prioritized above Level 1 and Level 2 spaces.