23.70.020 Local Amendments to Definitions
(a) The most commonly used definitions of the Green Building Code are set forth below:
Addition. An extension or increase in floor area of an existing building or structure.
Alteration or Alter. Any construction or renovation to an existing structure other than repair for the purpose of maintenance or addition.
Electric Vehicle (EV). An automotive-type vehicle for on-road use, such as passenger automobiles, buses, trucks, vans, neighborhood electric vehicles, electric motorcycles, and the like, primarily powered by an electric motor that draws current from a rechargeable storage battery, fuel cell, photovoltaic array, or other source of electric current. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) are considered electric vehicles. For purposes of the California Electrical Code, off-road, self-propelled electric vehicles, such as industrial trucks, hoists, lifts, transports, golf carts, airline ground support equipment, tractors, boats, and the like, are not included.
Electric Vehicle Charging Space (EV Space). A space intended for future installation of EV charging equipment and charging of electric vehicles.
Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). The conductors, including the undergrounded, grounded, and equipment grounding conductors and the electric vehicles connectors, attachment plugs, and all other fittings, devices, power outlets, or apparatus installed specifically for the purpose of transferring energy between premises wiring and the electric vehicle.
Newly Constructed (or New Construction). A newly constructed building (or new construction) does not include additions, alterations or repairs.
Off-Street Loading Spaces. An area, other than a public street, public way, or other property (and exclusive of off-street parking spaces), permanently reserved or set aside for the loading or unloading of motor vehicles, including ways of ingress and egress and maneuvering areas. Whenever the term "loading space" is used, it shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, be construed as meaning off-street loading space. This excludes designated passenger loading/unloading.
(b) Green Building Code Section 202 is amended to include the following definitions:
Affordable Housing. Residential buildings that entirely consist of units below market rate and whose rents or sales prices are governed by local agencies to be affordable based on area median income.
All-Electric Building. A building that contains no combustion equipment or plumbing for combustion equipment serving space heating (including fireplaces), water heating (including pools and spas), cooking appliances (including barbeques), and clothes drying, within the building or building property lines, and instead uses electric heating appliances for service.
Appliance Upgrade. The installation, relocation, or replacement of any appliance.
Automatic Load Management System (ALMS). A control system designed to manage load across one or more electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), circuits, panels and to share electrical capacity and/or automatically manage power at each connection point. ALMS systems shall be designed to deliver no less than 3.3 kVa (208/240 volt, 16-ampere) to each EV Capable, EV Ready or EVCS space served by the ALMS, and meet the requirements of California Electrical Code Article 625. The connected amperage to the building site for the EV charging infrastructure shall not be lower than the required connected amperage per California Green Building Standards Code, Title 24 Part 11.
Combustion Equipment. Any equipment or appliance used for space heating, water heating, cooking, clothes drying and/or lighting that uses fuel gas.
Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC). A parking space provided with electrical infrastructure that meets the following conditions:
(1) A minimum of 48 kVa (480 volt, 100-ampere) capacity wiring.
(2) Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) located within three (3) feet of the parking space providing a minimum capacity of 80-ampere.
Electric Heating Appliance. A device that produces heat energy to create a warm environment by the application of electric power to resistance elements, refrigerant compressors, or dissimilar material junctions, as defined in the California Mechanical Code.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS). A parking space that includes installation of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) at an EV Ready space. An EVCS space may be used to satisfy EV Ready space requirements. EVSE shall be installed in accordance with the California Electrical Code, Article 625.
Fuel Gas. A gas that is natural, manufactured, liquefied petroleum, or a mixture of these, as defined in the California Mechanical Code.
Fuel Gas Infrastructure. Piping, other than service pipe, in or in connection with a building, structure or within the property lines of premises, extending from the point of delivery at the gas meter, service meter assembly, outlet of the service regulator, service shutoff valve, or final pressure regulator, whichever is applicable, as defined in the California Mechanical Code.
Laboratory. A room, building or area where the use and storage of hazardous materials are utilized for testing, analysis, instruction, research or developmental activities.
Level 1 EV Ready. A parking space that is served by a complete electric circuit with the following requirements:
(1) A minimum of 2.2 kVa (110/120 volt, 20-ampere) capacity wiring.
(2) A receptacle labeled "Electric Vehicle Outlet" or electric vehicle supply equipment located within three (3) feet of the parking space. If EVSE is provided the minimum capacity of the EVSE shall be 16-ampere.
(3) Conduit oversized to accommodate future Level 2 EV Ready (208/240 volt, 40-ampere) at each parking space.
Level 2 EV Capable. A parking space provided with electrical infrastructure that meets the following requirements:
(1) Conduit that links a listed electrical panel with sufficient capacity to a junction box or receptacle located within three (3) feet of the parking space.
(2) The conduit shall be designed to accommodate at least 8.3 kVa (208/240 volt, 40-ampere) per parking space. Conduit shall have a minimum nominal trade size of 1 inch inside diameter and may be sized for multiple circuits as allowed by the California Electrical Code. Conduit shall be installed at a minimum in spaces that will be inaccessible after construction, either trenched underground or where penetrations to walls, floors, or other partitions would otherwise be required for future installation of branch circuits, and such additional elements deemed necessary by the Building Official. Construction documents shall indicate future completion of conduit from the panel to the parking space, via the installed inaccessible conduit.
(3) The electrical panel shall reserve a space for a 40-ampere overcurrent protective device space(s) for EV charging, labeled in the panel directory as "EV CAPABLE."
(4) Electrical load calculations shall demonstrate that the electrical panel service capacity and electrical system, including any on-site distribution transformer(s), have sufficient capacity to simultaneously charge all EVs at all required EV spaces at a minimum of 40 amperes.
(5) The parking space shall contain signage with at least a 12" font adjacent to the parking space indicating the space is EV Capable.
Level 2 EV Ready. A parking space that is served by a complete electric circuit with the following requirements:
(1) A minimum of 8.3 kVa (208/240 volt, 40-ampere) capacity wiring.
(2) A receptacle labeled "Electric Vehicle Outlet" or electric vehicle supply equipment located within three feet of the parking space.
(3) If EVSE is provided the minimum capacity of the EVSE shall be 30-ampere.
Low Power Level 2 EV Ready. A parking space that is served by a complete electric circuit with the following requirements:
(1) A minimum of 4.1 kVA (208/240 Volt, 20-ampere) capacity wiring.
(2) A receptacle labeled "Electric Vehicle Outlet" or electric vehicle supply equipment located within three (3) feet of the parking space. If EVSE is provided the minimum capacity of the EVSE shall be 16-ampere.
(3) Conduit oversized to accommodate future Level 2 EV Ready (208/240 volt, 40-ampere) at each parking space.
Repair. Reconstruction, replacement, or renewal of any part of an existing building for the purpose of its maintenance or to correct damage, as defined in the California Existing Building Code.
(c) Green Building Code Section 202 is amended to delete the following definitions:
Electric Vehicle (EV) Capable Space. A vehicle space with electrical panel space and load capacity to support a branch circuit and necessary raceways, both underground and/or surface mounted, to support EV charging.
Electric Vehicle (EV) Ready Space. [HCD] A vehicle space which is provided with a branch circuit; any necessary raceways, both underground and/or surface mounted; to accommodate EV charging, terminating in a receptacle or a charger.
Level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). [HCD] The 208/240 Volt 40ampere branch circuit, and the electric vehicle charging connectors, attachment plugs, and all other fittings, devices, power outlets, or apparatus installed specifically for the purpose of transferring energy between the premises wiring and the electric vehicle.
Low Power Level 2 Electric Vehicle [EV] Charging Receptable. [HCD] A 208/240 Volt 20- ampere minimum branch circuit and a receptacle for use by an EV driver to charge their electric vehicle or hybrid electric vehicle.