City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.


(a) Exterior doors shall comply with the following:

(1) Exterior doors (excluding individual unit-entry doors) and doors leading from garage areas into multiple dwelling buildings, and doors leading into stairwells below the sixth floor level, shall have self-locking (deadlatch) devices, allowing egress from the building or into the garage area, or stairwell, but requiring a key to be used to gain access to the interior of the building from the outside or garage area or into the hallways from the stairwell.

(2) Exterior doors (excluding individual unit-entry doors) and doors leading from the garage areas into multiple dwelling buildings, and doors leading into stairwells, shall be equipped with self-closing devices, if not already required by other regulations, ordinances, or codes.

(b) Hinged entrance doors to individual motel, hotel, and multiple-family dwelling units shall comply with the following:

(1) All doors shall be of solid core with a minimum thickness of one and three-eights (1-3/8) inches.

(2) Hinged entrance doors to individual units shall have deadbolts with one-inch minimum throw and hardened steel inserts in addition to door deadlatches with one-half inch minimum throw. The locks shall be so constructed that both deadbolt and deadlatch can be retracted by a single action of the inside doorknob. Alternate devices to equally resist illegal entry may be substituted subject to prior approval of the Building Official. Strike plates shall be secured to jambs with at least two and one-half (2-1/2) inch screws.

(3) An interviewer or peephole shall be provided in each individual unit entrance door and shall allow for 180 degree vision. Vision panels may be provided; however, vision panels located within reach of the inside activating device must be of burglary resistant glazing or equivalent protection as approved by the Police Department.

(4) Doors swinging out shall have non-removable hinge pins or hinge studs to prevent removal of the door.

(5) Door closers may be provided on each individual unit entrance door, and are encouraged in hotel and motel projects.

(6) In-swinging exterior doors shall have rabbited jambs.

(7) Jambs for all entry doors shall be constructed or protected to prevent violation of the function of the strike and shall meet the framing requirements of Section 23.54.080 (a)(1)

(c) Sliding patio-type doors opening onto patios or balconies which are accessible from the outside shall comply with the following (this includes accessibility from adjacent balconies):

(1) The movable section of a single sliding patio door(s) shall be adjusted in such a manner that the vertical play is taken up to prevent lifting with a pry tool to defeat the locking mechanism.

(2) Deadlocks shall be provided on all sliding patio doors. Mounting screws for lock case shall be inaccessible from the outside. Lock or hook bolts shall be of hardened material or have hardened steel inserts. The lock or hook bolts shall engage the strike sufficiently to prevent its being disengaged by any movement of the door within the space or clearances provided for installation and operation. The strike area shall be reinforced to maintain effectiveness of bolt strength.

(3) In addition to the primary locking device, auxiliary or secondary locking devices shall be provided on all accessible sliding glass doors.

(4) Double sliding patio doors shall be locked at the meeting rail and meet the locking requirements of subdivision (c)(2) of this section.

(d) Windows.

(1) A window, skylight, or other natural light source forming a part of the enclosure of a dwelling unit shall be constructed, installed, and secured as set forth in subsection (d)(2) of this section, when such window, skylight or light source is not more than twelve feet above the ground of a street, roadway, yard, court, passageway, corridor, balcony, patio, breezeway, portion of the building which is available for use by the public or other tenants, or similar area. A window enclosing a private garage with an interior opening leading directly to a dwelling unit shall also comply with subsection (d)(2) of this section.

(2) Window Protection.

(A) Windows shall be so constructed that when a window is locked it cannot be lifted from the frame and the sliding portion of a window shall be on the inside track. The vertical play shall be taken up to prevent lifting of the movable section to defeat the locking mechanism.

(B) Window locking devices shall be capable of withstanding a force of two-hundred pounds applied in any direction.

(C) Louvered windows shall not be used.

(D) Accessible windows that open shall be equipped with secondary locking devices.

(e) Garages. Those multiple-family dwelling complexes providing individual enclosed garage spaces shall meet the same requirements for garages as single-family dwellings as required by section 23.54.080 (b) Floor to ceiling demising walls shall separate individual garage areas having their own entrance.

(f) If community laundry rooms are provided, laundry room doors shall be equipped with a window to allow visibility into the interior to the room. The laundry room shall be kept locked and the lock shall be keyed so that unit keys can open the lock.

(g) Keying Requirements. Upon occupancy by the owner or proprietor, each single unit in a tract or commercial development, constructed under the same land use approval plan, shall have locks using combinations which are interchange free from locks used in all other separate dwellings, proprietorships or similar distinct occupancies.

(h) Numbering of Buildings and Units. There shall be positioned at each entrance of a multiple family dwelling complex an illuminated diagrammatic representation of the complex which shows the location of the viewer and the unit designations within the complex. The illuminated diagrammatic representation shall be protected by the use of vandal-resistant covers.