City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code

23.06.061 Hours of Work Exemption

(a) Exemptions from the hours of work designated in Section 23.06.060 may be granted:

(1) As a condition of approval of a planning application issued pursuant to Title 26 or Title 27; or

(2) Upon written application to the Building Official. The Building Official may approve such application in his or her sole discretion for emergency situations or exceptional circumstances beyond the control of the applicant. An application shall contain any information required by the Building Official, including, but not limited to the type of work to be performed, the equipment to be used, the date(s) and time(s) for the proposed hours of work, and the reason(s) therefor.

(b) The approved hours of construction activity shall be posted at the construction site in a place and manner that can be easily viewed by an interested member of the public.

(c) The building official may revoke an exemption at any time if the contractor or owner of the property fails to abide by the conditions of the exemption or if it is determined that the peace, comfort and tranquility of the occupants of adjacent residential or commercial properties are impaired because of the location and nature of the construction.