City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.


Baywood Avenue, Baldwin Avenue, San Mateo Creek and Cypress Avenue, for streets running in a generally northerly and southerly direction, and El Camino Real, for streets running in a general easterly and westerly direction, shall be the starting points for the numbers on streets beginning thereat or intersecting or crossing same; provided that streets running in a general northerly and southerly direction, but not intersecting or crossing Baywood Avenue, Baldwin Avenue or San Mateo Creek will be numbered as if they commenced thereat, so as to correspond with other streets which do commence thereat or run therefrom; provided also that streets running in a general easterly and westerly direction, and not intersecting or crossing El Camino Real, will be numbered as if they commenced thereat, and so as to correspond with the numbering on other streets which do commence thereat or run therefrom.

El Camino Real, and other generally parallel streets easterly therefrom shall be numbered so as to correspond with generally parallel streets westerly therefrom. Numbers on streets bearing the same name north and south of Baldwin Avenue, San Mateo Creek or Cypress Avenue shall be designated as numbered "north" and "south" respectively therefrom. Numbers on streets bearing the same name east and west of El Camino Real shall be designated as numbered "east" and "west" respectively therefrom.

On other intermediate or subdivision streets not otherwise provided for, numbering shall proceed in the same direction as, and in block numbers corresponding with, the numbering on the principal streets between which they lie, and which run generally in the same direction.