17.34.070 APPLICATION.
(a) Special Event Permit Application Required. An application must be submitted to the City by the special event applicant or sponsor along with an application fee and an administrative review fee (if applicable) in the amounts established by City Council resolution. Payment of the application fee is not required for free speech events. An indigent person who cannot apply for a permit because of an inability to pay the application fee due to such indigence may not be required to pay the fee in accordance with administrative regulations or guidelines adopted pursuant to this chapter. Application for indigent status shall be made at the time of submission of permit application and shall be accompanied by such relevant information and documentation as may, in the opinion of the City Manager, or designee, be reasonably necessary to verify such status.
(b) Application Form and Contents. An application for a special event permit shall be in a form prescribed by the Committee, be signed by a responsible person at least 21 years of age, and contain all of the following information:
(1) The name, address, and daytime telephone number of each of the following:
(i) The person filing the application (also include evening telephone number),
(ii) An alternate person to contact if an emergency arises and the applicant is unavailable (also include evening telephone number),
(iii) The organization sponsoring the event, if any; the president, chair or other head of the organization; nonprofit documentation, if applicable (also include written documentation of the authority under which the applicant is applying on behalf of the organization), and
(iv) The person who will be present and in charge of the event on the day of the event;
(2) The proposed location, including specific public right-of-way for street closures, if any or park area requested (first time events must list several options for location, route, date, and time);
(3) A site map showing emergency exit routes;
(4) Any city equipment or personnel requested or required;
(5) A description of the planned event;
(6) A description of how the event will be promoted and any prior history of promotions for similar events, including references;
(7) The proposed distribution or sale of any food or beverage, including alcoholic beverages;
(8) The proposed date, and the starting and finishing time of the event (specify additional time needed for set-up and clean-up);
(9) The estimated number of participants;
(10) The type and estimated number of vehicles, animals or structures that will be used;
(11) A description of any sound amplification equipment proposed to be used;
(12) The location of electrical generators, stages, canopies, cooking apparatus and lights;
(13) The location of mechanical rides, jump houses or other amusement attractions;
(14) Parking requirements;
(15) The location of any water, first aid, or comfort station(s) to be provided;
(16) For each application for a parade: (i) the time when the units of the parade will begin to assemble, (ii) the proposed assembly point for the parade, (iii) the proposed parade route, (iv) the interval space to be maintained between units of the parade, and (v) the number, type and size of floats or other vehicles;
(17) A preliminary security plan and any monitors to be employed during the event; and
(18) Any other information which the Committee reasonably requires to evaluate the particular special event application. In addition, the Committee can waive application requirements that the Committee determines are inapplicable.