City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.


An applicant for franchise for the use, construction and use, of poles, wires, conduits and appurtenances for transmitting and distributing electricity for all purposes, and for the use, laying and use, of pipes and appurtenances for transmitting and distributing gas for any and all purposes, under, along, across, or upon the streets of city, in lieu of the provisions of Chapter 15.12, may be required to follow the procedure set forth in this chapter. Such applicant shall state in his or her application, the following:

(1) The name of the applicant;

(2) The purpose and term, whether definite or indeterminate, for which the franchise applied for is desired;

(3) That the applicant, if granted the franchise, will pay to the City during the life of such franchise, two percent of the gross annual receipts of applicant arising from the use, operation, or possession of such franchise; provided, however, that such payment shall in no event be less than one percent of the gross annual receipts of applicant derived from the sale within the limits of city of the utility service for which such franchise has been awarded; provided, further, if the application is for a franchise complementary to a franchise derived under Section 19 of Article XI of the Constitution of California (as said section existed prior to its amendment on October 10, 1911) then, in lieu of either of the aforesaid percentages, applicant will pay a sum annually which, if the application is for an electric franchise, shall be equivalent to two percent of the gross annual receipts of such applicant arising from the use, operation or possession of such franchise; provided, however, that such payment shall in no event be less than a sum which shall be equivalent to one-half percent of the gross annual receipts derived by applicant from the sale of electricity within the City under both such electric franchises; or, if the application is for a gas franchise, shall be equivalent to two percent of the gross annual receipts of applicant arising from the use, operation or possession of such franchise; provided, however, that such payment shall in no event be less than a sum which shall be equivalent to one-half percent of the gross annual receipts derived by applicant from the sale of gas within the City under both such gas franchises.